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Version 4.5 Final
By muddasheep, September 06th 2006, 19:25:10

Dear readers,

I've got a very big Bag of Changes® for you today, one of which might be a bit annoying, but I'll get to that later. First, the good news!

- In Draversi you can play multiple games at once now. Click on Play and in the lower left corner you see a drop down menu with Active Games.

- When deleting a team, all Draversi games that team has participated in will now be deleted as well.

- The team menu layout on the team page has been slightly improved.

- Each team has its own little forum now. The last five forum threads are visible in the team menu.

- Added Personal Page statistics. Simply go to Personal Pages and select View Statistics in the submenu.

- New menu codes have been added for PP Statistics and Team Forum.

- Bug Fix: Trading resources was possible without paying a fee.

- Bug Fix: If a TC couldn't have more traps it was impossible to craft a trap for sale.

- Bug Fix: The Max links in the Laboratory always moved the focus of the browser at the top of the page.

- Added Trap Placement overview to the Craft Trap page. This also lets you choose the target coordinates where you want to place the crafted trap.

- Your Personal Advisor reminds you whenever you can still donate something for the defense against our common enemy.

- Your Personal Advisor also knows when the Trap Engineer is still willing to work for you.

- Also, your Personal Advisor tells you to sell traps if you still have the ability to.

- Daily events have been improved. And a new random event has been added.

- The calculation of experience points a Chosen Victim gets when fighting creatures has been changed.

- The Life Cell costs have been slightly reduced.

And last, but not least:

- All creature stats have been updated.

The fights against creatures are going to be tougher now. In case you want to know why I did this to you all, let me show you how the creature stats evolved from level 1 to 60 before the update:

If you recall the first creature fights you'll probably remember how tough it was to defeat a mere Dragon, and how easy it was in later levels, and how it kept on getting easier the better your items would get. Also, the last few creatures were insanely overpowered, so a change was definitely needed.

The creatures should now be roughly the same as a Chosen Victim on their level. If your Chosen Victim can't win a fight against any creatures on its level, you should try to get better items. If that doesn't work, please post a fight report in the forum, in this news post's comments or send it directly to me.

This last update concludes Version 4.5. There are already more things planned for PHQ and of course, bugfixes and minor updates will still happen just like before (just in case you were wondering what will happen now).

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your patience, and of course, thank you for playing!


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