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The Drama Never Ends

Type:Diary entry
Added:September 30th 2004, 05:00:50
Series:[ New Journals...heh ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

The drama of life never ends. I hate it. I hate this drama. I've got way too many problems and I'm about to get jumped in school. My parents kept me out of school today so I could have a day to "calm down" as they called it.

I think it's been more of a day for me to get my head screwed on. Well, I'm calm mom and dad, can I go back to school now? I want to face the problems ahead of me, if I get my ass kicked, then I get my ass kicked. Come on mom, it's only a whole bunch of ghetto chicks that want to see me dead cuz a "friend" of mine betrayed me. It's not like ALL of the guys and girls in the school are after me, probably less than 40 kids. I hope to all hell it's less than 40 kids.

My boy got inhouse cuz some girl hit him twice and he refused to hit her back...just cuz she's a girl. I spent two damn hours in the VP's office just cuz I got hunted down and betrayed. Now I gotta watch my damn back with every move I make. AHHHHHHH THIS SUCKS!

I just want to run like hell. I want to get through the damned school year and just graduate. Then I can get out of school and do nothing with my life. HAHAHA!

My boy is worried about me. He's afraid I'm gonna get jumped and he won't be there to save me. He knows I can take care of myself, but he doesn't want ANYONE to even TRY to hurt me. I know I can take some hits, so that isn't bothering me. But, if anyone hurts me, my friends will ALL be pissed off, and will get revenge for me. My boy knows I can fight, but he also knows I WON'T fight in school, cuz I don't want to get suspended. So, if someone is after me, there's nothing I can do.

And everyone says to get to a room or teacher or principal...YEAH OKAY! Have they SEEN THOSE HALLWAYS BETWEEN CLASSES?!?!?! IT'S INSANE! I'll be bloody and bruised before I get ANYWHERE!

My solution to all of this: take off my damned glasses and just take it. I gotta face this with no fear. I can't run from this, and I won't run from it. But I can't even hit someone back if they're hittin me. GAAAH! It's so annoying. The only thing I can do is block, and I HATE blocking. Either I fight back, or I just let them hit me. And personally, I'm not fighting in school, so I'm just going to stand there and take it.

Just let them yell, scream, call me names, say shit to me, or hit me. I don't care. I'm going to do what I feel is right. I'm just gonna go with the flow. If I get hurt...I get hurt. If I don't...I just gotta watch my back the next day...etc.

My boy's mom is REALLY concerned about me too. She knows this is weighing down heavy on my boy, and she doesn't like to see him worrying about me so much. She does think it's cute though, and keeps telling me that. She 's also worried about me. She says if anyone comes after me, she's going to get them expelled. Well, whatever happens happens. I can't do shit, just try to get through the day.

I never thought that high school would suck this much for me. I mean, it's sucked before, but now it's worse than it ever was. But, at least I'm not alone. I have a lot of friends that are there for me, and I bet the majority of them will try to find my classes to walk me to and from each class. I gotta love how they're gonna be there for me. I already got a plan for gettin out of school tomorrow afternoon at the end of the day. I just hope it works.

Well, I'm off. Got school in the morning, and it's going to be a LONG ASS DAY!


September 30th 2004, 10:30:17
Sorry to hear to have all that happen.
Good to see your friends there are willing to help you out though.

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