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8-28-03 Rick

Type:Diary entry
Added:August 28th 2003, 16:26:24
Series:[ Amy's Journals... ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

I am completely and utterly in love. I realized, now when I say realized, I mean the whole reality hit me, and for a second, it took my breath away. Well, like I was saying, I realized that I am completely in love with my boyfriend. Now, I knew before that I loved him SO much. But I never knew exactly HOW much I had loved him. I mean...*sigh*...there is no real way to explain this.

But, we met two years sister met him online, and he was coming to the park near my house so they could meet in person. Well, i was 14 at the time, he was 17. Yeah, he was 17. I had this HUGE interest in him just when I saw him practically fly out of the car he was in. Well, his friend had come with him that day, and I met him too. But I really had no interest in his friend.

Well, I can remember exactly what he wore. He wore a 7 up shirt, black pants, his belt, his bracelet, his vest. Yeah, I'm pathetic. I was wearing my t-shirt that has a frog in a microwave.

Well, the whole time I was watching him. I tried to keep to myself for a while and just sat on the swing, avoiding him. I was hoping deep inside that I could maybe get his attention by trying not to be noticed. Yeah, I was pathetic. Then when I thought that wasn't working, I was talking to his friend to get him to hopefully notice me.

Well, I just recently found out that he did have an interest in me. But he thought I was a little too young. Yeah, and now look at us. Now we're inseperable. Well, yeah, I found out that he was looking at me, but I guess he was looking when I wasn't. The things I remember the most are the pictures he showed us. Nicole wasn't too impressed, but I loved them. His drawings are...AMAZING. I love the way he draws, and what he draws. Yeah, so its weird. The whole time I was trying to get him to notice me, I never thought that he did.

Well, even then, if we had gotten together. My sister would have tried to split us up. Now look at us. Even then, when he was poking my shirt cuz it had buttons on it, my sister was jealous. I was almost going to freak out then. I do freak out now when I think of him or that day. And, to top it off, two years later we go to that same park and talk about a lot of things. I never would have thought of this two years ago. I never would of thought of ANY of it.

Now I have plans in my head which involve being with Rick for as long as long as I possibly can. I have this little, well, actually HUGE theory going on in my mind that maybe this is TRUE LOVE. Maybe I'm just crazy, but thats what I think. Well, thats all for now.

I love you Rick.

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