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February 17th 1982

School Shootings

Added:July 25th 2003, 10:52:12
Series:[ Articles from my website ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Written a few years ago. My first article.

Sweet mother fucking Jesus this school pisses me off. I hate all the popular asshole/bitchy people that think they're better than everyone because they dropped their personality to be "cool." Fuck cool. Let me explain, the reason I sometimes feel the urge to break someone's teeth out with the ugly end of a claw hammer isn't because I play violent games, watch horror movies or listen to music. I think I speak for a good percentage of the geek/ex-geek community out there when I say this. The reason I'm so pissed off is because I got the shit knocked out of me on a daily basis as kid. When I was young, I was a fat little bastard. Some kids just attract attention. I was one of those kids and I got mercilessly beaten, picked on, stuffed into lockers, and... Well... Think what happened to the Jews during WW2 and add humiliation instead of death. This is the exact same scenario that occurred in Columbine. I'm angry with the world because I grew up in a fucked-up environment, as do most kids nowadays, NOT because of the media I consume. If you kick a dog enough times it will bite.

Oh, here's a little secret kids, the media is not the precursor, it is a symptom. A byproduct. If all the whiny little parents and teachers in Columbine had stopped for one goddamned second and thought, then maybe, just maybe they would have realized they were the fucking cause of it all. Not games, not movies, not TV, and not Marilyn Manson. They fucking did that! I sat back and watched this whole televised bit of drama unfold like a cum-encrusted tissue I had balled up and tossed across the room. I listened to the parents with their high pitched, almost swine-like squeals, and I also listened to the "brave" surviving kids. (They're not brave, they just didn't get shot) The funniest thing about the dear, dear children was two weeks after all that had occurred, the children continued to refer to the two killers and their associates in all sorts of derogatory terms! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!! That's what caused them to do it in the first place! Instead of reflecting on what they had done, they still RIDICULED DEAD CLASSMATES! Now who's the bunch of sick fucks?! After watching a small army of parents and faculty rattle off I couldn't help but think about what their own children were guilty of. Guess what bitch? It was your honor roll son with the football scholarship that made these kids! It's funny to think how everyone turns a blind eye to the "good kids." Long ago we needed someone to blame. To be afraid of. To hate. Today we make our own monsters that live in our classrooms. We don't need Satan anymore. I've said this before. Take responsibility for your goddamn actions. Your kids are fucking nazis. Fact is kids are going to keep killing kids. Not because of anything they hear, watch or read, but because of their parents and classmates. Most people refuse to take responsibility for their children but still shit them out one after another. It's disgusting.

July 29th 2003, 22:15:48
Right on man, right on.

September 25th 2003, 05:22:48
The fact was, they were fucked in the head to begin with. I don't know about the Nazi thing, but media did indeed circulate stating that they followed Hitler's notions of Racist ideologicalism and such... Others say they were rabid anti-Nazis. Irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. The fact was, they were unstable. Unstable people do stupid things. People blamed a few aread here:

The Media - You proved the stupidity there
The other kids - I'm wishy-washy, sure they were assholes, but that didn't warrant use of explosives and firearms to positively terrorist purpose.
The access to weapons - It may have been Colorado, but guns legal or illegal wouldn't be too hard to come buy. I love how the media sensationalized a shotgun, a rifle, a handgun and some pipe bombs, along with ammunition as 'an arsenal' in the sense that they were some kind of Mormon survivalist types... Fact was, if they wanted a gun, just as if they wanted drugs, they'd have gotten it. That's all.

Also, it's not like you have it any worse than your parents did. Your grand parents, the ones who saw the depression era world, they had it rough. They knew what it was to be uncertain of the future, to have no recourse for inevitable future suffering, and to not know, at all, where the next meal would actually come from. Such was life.

Really, this isn't a one-factor thing. It wasn't just the insanity, or the lack of guidance from parents, or the ostracizing from other students, or the temptation that came with having weapons at hand, or the exposure to media which on the surface seemed to adore a world of hedonism and violence, it was all those things. All of them poured into a voracious pair of psyches looking for answers to questions they themselves didn't even understand.

September 27th 2003, 20:12:27
Good points, man.

March 20th 2004, 10:45:49
the thing that i think is wrong with that is that in the "old days" people got punished for even speaking out of terms which ment that if you were bullied then there was a good chance the teacher would punish the bully instead of you. the fact that the teacher in my english lesson now adays turns a blind eye to someone whos singing almost at the top of their voice after she has said silence almost 4 times is very annoying. if weapons were readily available it would make it alot easier for people who are being bullied to think they can "do something about it" if you think about it it makes alot of sense. i think that some people feel so helpless to stop the things happening to them that somethings got to give and in the end its almost their sanity.

although i cant say that i would call getting your own back for years of pressure and unfairness "insanity" - thats just how the modern world works. im not saying it was better at any other time in history - more people are coming out of schools well educated and at least with basic knowledge. there is just a lacking in certain balance between freedom in class and so strict it infringes theyre human rights

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