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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

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The Asylum


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June 22nd 1984

Ascension - Still Alive

Type:Diary entry
Added:March 01st 2007, 19:44:59
Series:[ The life and times of Legion ]
Rating:4/5 (Votes: 1)

I'm Legion, remember me?

I'm Legion, remember me? The man who created Infliction, became a movie director, the one who began making Half-Quake: The Movie? The one with the jet black hair and dark brown eyes, and the insatiable desire for visibility and fame. You remember.

I have a story to tell you. It's about something that happened to me.

A over the last few weeks I became reclusive, sort of falling into my own little world, living in the shadows which might of became a rather solitary and hollow existence. I thought all my past failures might fade out and I would just never have to worry again. But, some things changed and everything began to become anew. Almost like a new start, but if you are reading this I won't bore you with every waking detail.

It was funny, after viewing some old footage of myself and a friend acting as the dubbed "Emo Goth Kids" from years ago. I thought to myself "Emo Goth Kids pretending to be normal pretending to Emo Goth avant-garde.

As fun as it may of been playing around I thought I should make a business out of it. So I did.

I just finished up my first of many commercials. And am slowly approaching the point where I'll be the talk of the state, I'm already the talk of my local town. I'm a little attention whore and enjoying it, but at the same time I'm helping local businesses by giving them free commercials which in turns give me publicity and gets my name flying around...

I just got a contract with a corporate giant in New England...and I'm going to take it (after I discuss further terms).

I haven't been able to brag for so long...that's the horror of it all...people waste their bragging on people will turn their heads and not care...they'll forget as soon as they speak the words. Well, the worse took it's time to come and it took it's time to pass as it always does and since it's over for now, I'm taking advantage to celebrate and be happy since it's something I don't get to do that often.

But, off my high horse for a moment. I guess it's only human nature to feel a little up in the clouds as they say. It's strange since I have no human nature.

I'm engaged, will be happily married...eventually. Working things out in my head in the best way I's taxing. But hey...isn't it for all of us, we go to our jobs, work our 40 hours, do what we gotta do and go home and sleep. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Enough out of me, I miss my PHQ and my friends. I'm back into the spotlight, I just wonder if people will want to join me this time...

March 01st 2007, 21:06:03
The point of bragging is not so much to make other people notice you, but rather to make you feel better about your self. It's not often that you get to brag about your accomplishments, so enjoy it.

Oh, and congradulations about getting engaged!

Oh yeah, about the title of the article:


March 01st 2007, 21:50:50
Tell us when we can watch your commercials on youtube. ^^ And, happy getting-married!

March 02nd 2007, 21:51:26
Glad to heard the EGK never goes out of style.

March 03rd 2007, 08:24:08
EGK?? Gotta fill me on on this.

MS, I wrote, you never wrote back, I felt unloved! But, I'll keep everyone posted.

And Pyroclasm, haven't spoke to you before, but...always good to meet new people (that is if you are new and haven't...if I have...I think I may have brain my damaged more than I wanted to.

March 05th 2007, 07:23:31
Indeed! Connections with other members of the human species will serve to further my plot to eventually use humanity against itself in a epic global battle to determine...



Good to meet you!

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