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Version 4.5 Part V
By muddasheep, July 24th 2006, 18:36:32

Dear People of the Dark,

I'd like to present yet another recipe for you to test out. These are the following ingredients:

- Trap Engineer can now also craft traps for Contract Sellers! These traps will have rather poor kills and durability, but at least it is possible to make a Trap Chain with them. Dismantling traps made by the TE won't cost anything, but also won't give any resources. Crafting takes up TE-Tries, which means you can either choose to change a trap or craft a trap, with a maximum of two total actions per day.

- Improved Trap filter on "Manage Traps" page.

What more can you expect? Here are a few keywords: Common Enemy, CS/TC Products.

Thanks for reading, in case you did.


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