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The King's Notice
By muddasheep, November 13th 2006, 20:56:39

Dear bunch of peasants,

I stand before you with something that might be considered worth hearing. It's from the King of Ainmosni™, so you better pay attention!

- The King's Seer has finally found a spell to move away the fog at the black market, so you actually have a visual when traveling around there.

- The King has noticed that there is a new type of fox in the woods who mostly catches fire. This fox of fire makes it hard to access shortcuts through the woods, you have to go the way called ShiftAlt and use your chosen key. It's a pity, really.

- The King has ordered all slaves to do more work when crafting traps. They now automatically order resources.

- The King has made it easier to tell all slaves to craft again by giving you painted flags which you can hold up high to signalize the command.

- The King has told all slaves to be more efficient and now they are actually able to make more of the same copy of a chosen trap at the same time.

- The King finally found a cure for all Chosen Victims. Although the King's Seer has had a vision about an evil witch who is preparing wild curses...

If you have any emotion to express, I will forward all requests to the King, so please don't hesitate to tell me.

The King's First and Certainly Not Last Knight

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