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Teams, cults or whatever.
By muddasheep, April 29th 2003, 11:01:40

Deer hunters,

now you can create your own teams/guilds/cults/whatever, invite members, promote/demote them and even add a little link to a pic. I also added three more or less usefool err useful smilies, check them out: :eek :fade

And there should be a news symbol next to the new messages symbol if there's a new news item available.

Concerning the whole discussion around PCGO, warx, the family, ranger, corruptions, money, violence, drugs and .. err..

Yeah, you know, I think it's quite senseless to yell at each other, take everything too serious and lose all the fun the game should actually be in the first place. I mean... what the hell is going on with some of you?

Swear words used in various posts:

piss: 19 posts
whore: 5 posts
fuck: 47 posts
moron: 3 posts
ass: 13 posts
bitch: 20 posts
idiot: 6 posts
shit: 30 posts

Nothing against sadism, but we should remember that only intelligent sadism is fun to watch. If you want to attack people to - sorry - piss them off, then go outside and try that on people who deserve it.

There were some demands to delete warx' account. I'll not delete him. This game is still in beta stages and people like him show what's possible in PHQ and I learn from their actions. Don't blame him, he's not responsible for this game. I am. And I'm fixing like hell.

Thanks for all the recent suggestions concerning corruptions, hackers and so on. I'll think about them when the next big change comes. And it'll come soon.


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