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Light of Granite
Light of Granite

My texts (20)
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Seventh Heaven


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October 16th 1990


Type:Diary entry
Added:August 29th 2008, 18:20:49
Series:[ Diary ]
Rating:5/5 (Votes: 1)

Diary time.

So, the first enty.


To start this: I have not the slightest idea what to write here yet. Quite thrilling. :D
My nickname is Szaladin, my real one is Tobias.
I was not very keen to write a diary/ blog thing till the last months - even on other places in the internet. But it started to please me, so why shouldn't´t I try to do it here either?

So yeah. The last days were kinda strange. School started (yup, I am still going to school) a few days ago. The cool thing about the classes I am visiting now: Last term I could choose the lessons I have to focus on now.
So school´s not that bad for the last two years, eh?
Wrong. The schedule is filled with lessons as if they wanted me to sleep there. The only voluntary stuff I can do in the workdays is playing music with one classmate (yay, kiddikai) and his brothers.
Maybe I have to get used to it. Meh.
Even feeling burned out in the evening, I restarted to draw. I often get Ideas in the bus (the landside around here is somewhat ugly - it lets you dream) and finish them home. The picture on the side is one of those things. Pretty hard to draw pics of real people, because all my friends live in town or in an other distant part of the region. So I have to use pics of the internet or magazines to practice drawing humans. Sad. But it leaves me the coice :D

No deep thinking in the text until now. Hmm.


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