PHQ-Nickname: TheNameless
Halfquake: Doomsday Device Dealer
Level: 81
Total kills: 43,739,512
Birthday: June 02nd 1988
I'll have what he's having |
Mood: | sick |
Type: | Story |
Added: | March 17th 2009, 03:20:35 |
Visits: | 1538 |
Series: | [ The Unreal Empire ] |
Rating: | 4.5/5 (Votes: 4) |
"What the FUCK do you want from me!?!?!?"
I was just walking down the street and some random asshole is talking to me
like I'm his freaking butt-buddy or something... "Piss off already, will 'ya?!"
"Hey, I just want to talk." "Well talk to yourself then, ok, I don't have time for your
shit." What did he want from me? I didn't get it.
"Listen, man, he found out about it, okay? Do you understand that? Charly for christ's sake, don't you
remember anything that happened last night?!"
A tall man was coming up ahead, fast. He seemed angry.
"Hey motherfucker!"
He quickly pulled out his gun and pushed it right against my forehead.
"Wowow, wait a minute now! " I threw my arms into the sky as he looked even more pissed.
I should have run like hell. But I didn't... "Say your last words." He screamed. I was apathetic
for a while.
"Who the hell are you anyway?!"
Then he pulled the trigger.
"What the FUCK do you want from me!?!?!?"
I was soking in my own swet. The bed looked comforting, like always.
Awoken from a really bad dream. I exhaled in relief and fell right back into my pillow.
Turning my head around I looked at my sweetheart. She looked so beautiful. She also stared at
me. She was awake since I screamed of course.
"Wait, what's that noise?" she suddenly said. "I think someone's coming. Oh my god it's him!"
The door got slammed, it broke with the noise of breaking wood and breaking peace.
"Hey motherfucker! Say your last words." He had a shotgun in his hands.
"Who the hell are you?!" He pulled the trigger.
Except for the sound of the motor of course. At least I was away from this goddamn argument
with her. I turned on the car radio and set it to high volume. I needed to distract myself.
And it worked. That's why I didn't notice the policecar trying to get me to pull over, until they
turned on the siren. Embarrassing... After I stopped, the officer came to my window.
I pulled it down. "Hello Officer, what seems to be the pro...... " I froze in the middle of my sentence
as I saw who he was. It was the fucking guy that spanked my wife. The fucking reason
for the argument with her. The reason for all my problems. Now he was even giving me a ticket. "What the FUCK do you want from me!?!?!? I didn't do anything wrong, so piss off" "Oh, easy there cowboy." He said with a dirty grin on his disgusting face. Hiding behind his
fucking sunglasses. He went on. "You don't treat her right, Bill. She told me your last words,
before you left this morning. That was really rude, please don't..." In that moment I slammed
the car door open, probably breaking one of his legs. I liked the crackeling sound.
That bastard deserved it. He fell down, screamed from the pain and instantly took out his gun,
shooting a few bullets through the car door.
I was walking with my daughter in the streets, downtown. She was really excited
with all the skyscrapers and the strange people wandering the sidewalks. Such a sweet little
10 year old girl. "Daddy, who is that man over there? He is looking at us." He had a baseball bat
in his hands. I didn't recognize him. He just stood there and threw a hateful look at me.
I glanced back with a bit of confusion and fear. "Let's get away from him, honey, he looks dangerous."
He began to run towards me, swinging his baseball bat. I tried to run, but as soon as I turned around, he hit me into the side. In pain I was rolling on the floor. He stepped on my chest.
My daughter was screaming, all the people around looking in apathy. He was opening his mouth
in anger.
"This is what you get for screwing with my friends and family. You damn doctor's gave them
this FUCKING drug. And they all went crazy."
"What the hell are you talking about?! I'm not a doctor! What the FUCK do you want from me!?!?!?"
"They were just repeating the same fucking sentences over and over again. You killed them!"
Tears started rolling down his face, which was distorted from anger.
"But guess what, Fucktard! I got you some of your own medicine."
He pulled out a really dirty syringe, half-filled with an unknown liquid and hammered it fiercely into my
chest. I stopped briething from the pain.
"Say your last words, motherfucker!" His eyes concentrated on my head, he lifted up his bat
and swung it.
"Yes, the... uhmm ... I'll take the scrambled eggs with ham and some sweet buns today, I guess.
Oh and a bit of the coffee you got there, of course." The waitress lifted up one of her eyebrows "hmm unusual combination for you,
sweetheart. But ok. The coffee is on the house today, for extra good customers." She smirked a little bit and filled our cups. "What does your friend want?" She glanced at him. "Oh uuhmm yeah,
I'll have what he's having. Shared pain is half the pain, right?" His artificial laughter only got
a grin as an answer. "Well then, I'll be right back." She blinked at me as she walked away.
"So let's talk already." He insisted. "The test subjects are showing really strange behaviour."
"what strange behaviour?" "Well, they start repeating the same sentences, they don't recognize
anyone anymore and if it goes on like this, they won't react to anything anymore.
They are completely inside of their own world, their own nightmare... well and it's becoming
OUR Nightmare, Frank!" "Well, What the fuck do you want from me?! What do you want me to do!? I'm the guy with the money, not the drug scientist, YOU need to work here.
So the drug doesn't work well, you fucked up my investment, I knew that already. But you could at least try to turn it into a weapon or something, just get me something back, ANYTHING, OKAY?!"
"But... We were doing this to help people... Not to help them kill each other."
Silence. I was taking a sip from my cup.
We looked at each other, trying to read each others thoughts. I was happy to break the silence.
"Any last words before you get fired?" "You're a heartless bastard, Frank. Enjoy your coffee."
he stood up, threw his napkin onto the table and walked outside.
I was looking at them from the kitchen. Frank and this creepy guy from the lab sitting at table 3.
They're gonna want some crappy meal from me, blah blah blah, yes sir, I hate my job.
I'll get them both, those dirty bastards with their experiments.
They took away my husband. He was everything to me. They stole my life, too.
But they're gonna get a taste of my husband's medicine, themselves.
The coffee will taste even better today, I guess.
They are talking now. Their last words won't be heard by anyone but them.
Funnycreature March 17th 2009, 07:57:20
rly agressive, like it! |
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