PHQ-Nickname: TheNameless
Halfquake: Doomsday Device Dealer
Level: 81
Total kills: 43,739,512
Birthday: June 02nd 1988
Mood: | depressive |
Type: | Diary entry |
Added: | September 12th 2009, 01:06:34 |
Visits: | 2228 |
Series: | [ Gorging my Thoughts ] |
Rating: | 5/5 (Votes: 3) |
When you think about what happened recently, on the most recent day, you may want to write it down so you don't forget it. A diary. And noone is really supposed to read it. Except for yourself, later, years ahead of time. But you know what you wrote, no immediate need to read it again, you'll continue and continue to write, then you miss a day, miss another one, write another one and miss one and soon you'll have forgotten all about it. Then after a few years it will be lost when you move to another place or it burns away in a fire or the paper falls apart.
So you wrote it for nothing. Nobody read it. Why did you write it down? Maybe you thought that someone will read it when you're dead, far in the future and learn about life 'back then' . So you would have written it not wanting anyone to read it, but hoping that someone will read it someday.
So is it likely to be read by someone? Moderately... Is it likely that this person really understands and or cares about it? Not really. The problems you wrote about are your personal problems, other people have their own.
So maybe you wrote it for yourself. For putting your thoughts into order. For later reviewing how you thought and what events originated from this way of thinking. So you can learn from it. Will it help you? Will you learn from it later? I can only tell you the answers to those two questions according to myself: No and most likely not. And I think this would be true for most people.
Hold the past tight. Grab it with all your energy. Write it down in a diary, take pictures of your holidays, film the wedding of your cousin, record your thoughts on a voice recorder, save your files and backup them twice on external hard drives. Preserve the past. Preserve the past. Preserve the past.
This kills the fear of losing it. The fear, that the things that once mattered lose meaning. The fear, that your impact on the world will perish.
The fear that when you die, nothing will be left.
I tell you what, when you look back at the stuff you preserved and destroy it in one blink of an eye... you'll be relieved. The weight of old thoughts will be gone.
When the present ceases to be just an old shadow of the past, it starts to matter on its own. Independently.
So stop living your old life. And live today, not yesterday.
The memories of living are wothless when you die.
Living mattered on it's own and dieing will, too.
So why am I preserving my thoughts in a long text like this? Do I expect anyone to read or care about it? I guess not... does it even matter? Not really.
All one can try is to live for the moment.
So following my own advice, I shouldn't keep track of what happens to this diary entry in the future, I shouldn't care if I see it ever again.
Because in the future this will be a text of the past that is no more...
and never will be again...
muddasheep September 12th 2009, 13:06:32
I'm writing diary entries exactly for the following reasons that you also stated: To put my thoughts into order, or to cope with something. If something bad happened it's extremely helpful to put it in words for myself. It helps me to put myself back on track, so to speak. And if something wonderful happened I can write it down and preserve a few bits of the feeling to be experienced again at a later time.
Also, a project diary is very useful for brainstorming, and for putting down notes when you discover something interesting, so that when you read it later, an idea or a solution will be put back into your mind again (in case it was forgotten).
The human brain has too many holes, I don't trust it, that's why I'll continue writing all sorts of diary entries. Will it be read by someone else in the future? I don't know. And by the time I'm dead, I probably won't care anymore. But in the meantime, I enjoy having a memory that I can rely on.
Plus, as a side effect of writing these entries, I keep exercising my English writing skills! |
Szaladin September 12th 2009, 18:16:36
Writing diary entries has a lot of useful effects indeed, if you ask me.
Diary entries can be written using any style, language or for any reason - or rather, any reason that motivates one to write.
Or they can be just plain, dry texts, without a second wasted for stylistic thoughts or anything.
Even the way to put your thoughts into a diary has endless possibilities.
For myself, I've used a little book once, before that I wrote blog entries - I often deleted the whole blog and created another structure.
It was even discovered by one of my schoolmates and she was talking with me about - my usage of the English language. (referring to the last sentence of MS's comment)
It's just that freedom while writing diary entries that lifts the "pressure" of doing something creative. I could even make an diary out of alphabet-noodles glued on paper if it'd mean something to me.
If I'll look at the entries or not, that depends on the diary and the entry. It's not a loss, but seeing my thoughts that troubled me or just interested me is often a cool thing.
I am not the type to write down every thing I can recall at the end of the day, but things that I put down to words or images always have a special meaning (being important or seeming important enough to be written). |
Funnycreature September 12th 2009, 20:24:52
I am agree with TheNameless. People who own those diarys often can't motivate why do they do it, but I'm sure that motivations are stupid hopes and/or fears.
I've tried to start a diary for 2 times, and it was pretty boring so I've finished 'em after 5-7 days. |
TheNameless September 12th 2009, 20:50:11
@Muddasheep and Szaladin:
I see your points and I actually agree with them.
I must also admit that writing down this text has indeed helped me putting my thoughts on the subject into order and it helped praticing english aswell. So I guess I've proven myself wrong there . It is a bit ironic...
Writing controversial stuff is fun
But my main point still holds, I think. I noticed that some people seem to overrate their memories and the 'good old times' so much that they fail to see the good things in the present or even the good things still to come in case they'd do something for it. So if you cry about the lost past and it is holding you back, then burn your f****** diary so you can arrange your mind to cope with the present situation and maybe even make it better.
muddasheep September 12th 2009, 21:33:10
I agree, if I read my diaries every day, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the present.
The movie Kung Fu Panda has a good quote about that actually!
Oogway once said: You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present." |
Syndel September 13th 2009, 16:46:10
I agree entirely with TheNameless. I'm often so afriad of messing things up from my past or just losing it that I can't move on in the present. The further I get in a project the more I don't want to mess up how it started and the starting pieces. I never want to reformat because I'm scared of losing something which in reality means absolutely nothing. We're scared of the clensing fire, we're scared of becoming something new. We're scared of the rebirth. |
January 31st 2014, 20:15:49
However, this <b>distinction</b> was lost after the hair-splitting realisation <b>that</b> highly-concentrated<br><img src=""><br> uranium deposits are designed for producing a few measly atoms of berkelium. Douglas Ahlers, a senior fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy College of Government, says the book makes "an important contribution towards the body of knowledge of disaster recovery" by taking a look at "the often-overlooked intermediate layer of neighborhoods and also the role they serve in the recovery of your place after a disaster.<br> Condry admitted, with a laugh, that there were moments when hanging out inside the genbas when he wondered if this<br><img src=""><br> was appropriate field work with a cultural anthropologist. And in fairness, they do look funny. In the saloon at the center regarding Adam Szymkowicz's "Clown Bar" the regulars <b>put</b> on clown makeup <b>and</b> costumes, and speak in the hard-boiled slang associated with 1930s <b>gangsters.</b> (España/Spain)<br><img src=""><br> The Sundance festival is now a huge beast but, says <b>its</b> director John Cooper, its aim is unchanged - to uncover new talent and storiesEarlier this season, Robert Redford was asked <b>if</b> he <b>might launch Sundance today. "Unfortunately, I'm not sure everyone in the country will abide by the president, and the politics have proven to <b>be</b> considered a little harrowing.<br><img src="*y1iGbKgUwJtN4T/101waystosayILOVEU.jpg"><br> The model transforms with makeup by Charlotte now Tilbury and hair by Paul <b>Hanlon.<br></b> "Well, whoever they are, they have been forced to make do without Bobby's talents recently, as he pulled off his first international call-up a week ago, and flew out to join Botswana's instruction camp. The new automated process eliminates the dependence on months of training and provides long-sought information regarding living cells' <b>activities.</b> In some ways, the strategy seems to reinforce the picture of <b>Kenya</b> as Africa's digital heart. Blah, blah, blah …And, if you'll let me finish, AuroLase - a nanoparticle that heats upwards enough under near infrared light to destroy <b>cancer</b> cells - is at clinical trials. "Winn continued working on gravitational lensing being a postdoc at Harvard University, although <b>midway</b> through his fellowship, he<br><img src=""><br> began to hear rumblings of a great emerging field <b>in</b> astrophysics: the study of exoplanetary systems. Griswold Professor of Geophysics, will become MIT's next vice president regarding research, President L. At temperatures greater than 400 degrees Fahrenheit, he is able to get the water droplets to anchor towards the surface. Or, alternatively, do you agree with their statement in which "the impact of this data revolution <b>is</b> to strip citizens of much of their control over their information <b>that</b> is personal in virtual space, and that will have significant consequences within the physical world". Goalie Rick DiPietro has never lived as <b>much</b> as <b>being</b> a No. Others use weighted graphs to depict the effectiveness of the correlations between data points in any database. CAIRO -<br><img src=""><br> Thirteen <b>people</b> died in overnight clashes between Christians and <b>Muslims</b> inside the worst outbreak of sectarian violence in Egypt because last month's ouster of president Hosni Mubarak, officials reported Wednesday. "Knowing just how to disperse tactile <b>information</b> over the skin is tricky. Eric was born in Wallington, Surrey, where he enjoyed an idyllic 30s the child years revolving around scouting, tennis and amateur dramatics. If you're young enough to be <b>baffled</b> from the term "text adventures", ask your dad (but go n ., open the door and hit the elf with all the sword first). The change <b>was</b> announced to the MIT community today <b>in a email from President L.<br> It went from the <b>number</b> one site on the planet to zero and it's interesting that this happened so quickly. And a new report by the Berlin-based Energy Watch Group warns of your "high risk of a uranium supply distance for nuclear reactors before 2020.<br>  "Out in the world, there's growing demand for fresh water, especially where there is urban development, " says Larry <b>Susskind,</b> the Ford Professor of Urban and Environment Planning in MIT's Department of Urban Research and Planning. In his quiet but convincing style he <b>or</b> she helped open many doors of opportunity and recognition for your faculty and research staff, " Bertozzi said. <b>Those</b> observations demonstrate a central feature associated with today's prizes: They are intended to<br><img src=""><br> maximize effort, not efficiency.<br> itself, increasingly see the basketball court as one of<br><img src="*y1iGbKgUwJtN4T/101waystosayILOVEU.jpg"><br> many last, untapped frontiers for image making.<br> The second clause of the sentence is merely illiterate. The new approach controls magnetism by using a voltage, rather than a magnetic field. Khan nuclear proliferation network was in complete swing. "Some of Carmin's own field research, apart from the <b>new</b> survey, explores this issue in depth. Various instructors, including<br><img src=""><br> professors Lallit Anand, Mary Boyce and David Parks, have shaped the course's content and firm. Damaged and undamaged nickel surfaces, before and after exposure to oxygen Barclays refused to respond to claims it attempted to "bury" the massive <b>bonuses</b> through announcing them on budget day.<br> 7-0. Further details are expected to emerge on Monday morning in the high court during a hearing relating for the existing litigation by hacking victims against Murdoch's Media International (NI) - hours before MPs are because of vote on joint Labour and Liberal Democrat amendments that will introduce a backstop law to stiffen regulation with the press.<br> The Missoni company announced on Thursday how the wreckage of the small aircraft carrying Vittorio Missoni was discovered in the waters <b>north</b> of the actual resort of Los Roques.<br> "• Post Tenebras Lux is released upon 22 March.<br> Barr seemed <b>to</b> understand <b>this</b> when this individual gave an angry <b>address</b> at Mark's funeral (after he previously finally succeeded in killing himself), blaming the bigots who had made his / her life impossible. "Dr Sian Harris, lecturer in English literature at the School of <b>Exeter,</b> said the proposals were likely to result in greater confusion. <b>"Across</b> from the Houses <b>of</b> Parliament around <b>the</b> bank of the river Thames is <b>Saint</b> Thomas's <b>Hospital,</b> London. "On we went, draft following draft, " recalled special adviser Elizabeth Cottrell. The group engineered a gold-coated plate on the <b>chip,</b> then applied a voltage, generating an electric field between the plate and also the thruster's tips. And Thatcher never regarded its workers or volunteers as a possible embarrassment. "Lost amid <b>the</b> demands of motherhood was the truth that Angie had always drawn, ever since her Catholic primary school, when she got into trouble for depicting the actual nuns <b>as</b> Zippy from Rainbow. "The improvement in performance over the past year continues to be profound and the scheme is getting far better and better, " said employment minister Mark Hoban. iPhone / iPadYouTube Capture (Free)Released this past <b>year for iPhone, YouTube's video-shooting'n'sharing app has now been made universal having a native iPad version. <a href = "">fghtes56 </a> torch and bicycle helmet, and leave yourself a trail of breadcrumbs to help you find your way out. Whether or not I would have received there, I don't know. When more women hold those roles. "We welcome moves towards <b>a</b> national financing formula. "Even though they're written in natural terminology, and they do exhibit some variability, they're not exactly Shakespeare, " Barzilay says. To Elizabeth's annoyance, he wants to celebrate afterwards by getting married to Cynthia.<br> "For Ethiopia, we find that one of the greatest defenses against climate change is investment inside infrastructure for transportation, energy and agriculture. The<br><img src=""><br> north-west will be taking the lead in sending an email to the education secretary, <b>Michael</b> Gove, that teachers are not prepared to take government attacks on our pay, pensions and conditions. "As a precaution, the cardinals have agreed not to perform interviews. Professional social networking service LinkedIn won the actual dismissal of a lawsuit seeking damages for premium users who had their log-in passwords exposed because of a security breach of the company's servers a year ago.<br> Consumer and environmental groups say that the particular chains, with 2, 000 stores, have <b>pledged</b> <b>not</b> to sell a fish genetically engineered to cultivate faster. "What is the advantage compared to additional possible structures.<br> Montie, the main cat understudy for "Breakfast with Tiffany's, <b>"</b> will be replaced <b>by</b> Moo.<br><img src=""><br> Equal.<br> It gives them <b>a</b> huge <b>advantage</b> in economies of scale <b>to create just one model, but they could have four or several. Sequestration delivers new competition to small installers The sequester took effect as scheduled, and with it comes heightened competition regarding small government services firms as larger players start seeking projects which were previously not worth their time.<br> , home. "It shocked me, <b>not</b> just with the gore, but by how much empathy I experienced <b>for</b> Frank.<br> His music was not just for nobleman.<br> Good science stories are hard to define but paradoxically simple to find. The corporation was accused <b>of</b> "rewarding failure" using the £450, 000 payout to Hall's predecessor, George Entwistle, who resigned at the height of the particular Savile saga after just 54 days. Designers<br><img src=""><br> new to horology are shaking in the field with sporty, thoroughly unbusinesslike wristwatches. "I was surprised at the degree associated with access bank executives had to people towards the top, <b>it</b> was certainly easier <b>access</b> than the particular <b>regulators</b> had, <b>"</b> King<br><img src=""><br> said. The same can be said <b>of</b> other 2013 special election landscape thus far.<br> It might even seem to some innocent souls as though all you have to do to acquire a high-level job is to understand its<br><img src=""><br> stultifying jargon. When Mexican President Felipe Calderón pays his / her respects <b>at</b> Arlington National Cemetery this few days, it will be more than a rote diplomatic touch. Justin Sablich picks his top 15. As striking as it is, the illusion of depth now routinely provided by 3-D movies is a paltry facsimile of your true three-dimensional visual experience. Normally, we <b>don't</b> cover executive shake-ups at tech companies as the details of who is wearing what match <b>don't</b> matter much to everyday users. Since then the UK has been managing the RAF's five Reaper aircraft from Creech <b>airforce</b> bottom in Nevada because the British military did not are capable to fly them from here. You bite your nails.<br> For tickets to the New<br><img src=""><br> York Philharmonic's premieres associated with "Milosz Songs, <b>"</b> call 212-875-5656 or visit www. "Professor Williams and Christopher<br><img src=""><br> Palmer were very supportive and provided plenty <b>of</b> great feedback, " says Shen, who will present the paper during any conference at Mercer University in April, and thinks the study could provide useful information for both consumers and also the music <b>industry.</b> It may then come down to goal difference as well as goals scored, but Newcastle could still be below Roberto MartÃnez's helium-fuelled late-season bolters, albeit with the reasonable hope that help may yet arrive from elsewhere on this absorbing slow bicycle race. Just ask anyone who has experienced a heartfelt craving to <b>get</b> a juicy burger, pizza or ice cream. An expert on nuclear proliferation, Walsh has in the past conducted speaks with officials in North Korea about security matters and closely follows events in the area. ‘The gap is at the community scale'Such efforts are important<br><img src=""><br> to begin with, Seidman says, because most organizations' efforts at urban restoration, whether <b>by</b> government or private-sector developers, either address very large-scale projects or offer you smaller-scale aid to individual families.<br> But, unlike the gregarious and attention-hungry Capote, Lee has always preferred <b>to</b> remain inside the shadows of public <b>life.<br></b> I love the fact <b>that</b> they display films with feel-good factor, such as The Well-Digger's Daughter, along with films like Peter Mullan's hard-hitting Neds; films that provoke discussion, as well as ones that can you need to be <b>enjoyed.</b> <b>But</b> recently, environmentalists have recognized that dense, compact cities are, in many ways, environmentally <b>friendly.</b> "Now. Strip out the previews, and the tally falls to a less-lofty £1. His thesis is simple, sometimes too simple. The new game takes <b>the</b> Temple Run formula for the Land of Oz, as players run, jump and slide along the Yellow Large rock Road. Lucas. I really liked it because it was set outdoors and it was an exciting adventure. The changes have simplified the design, making it easier to build and less vulnerable to failure; improved its safety by <b>reducing</b> the variety of connections where hot steam might<br><img src=""><br> leak away; and increased the number of components for sale in Nicaragua.<br> On the 60th anniversary of the newsletter in <b>Nature</b> of three papers by Wayne Watson and <b>Francis</b> Crick, and teams led by <b>Rosalind</b> Franklin as well as my late father Maurice Wilkins, it's easy to forget that in April 1953 just about no one on the planet had heard of DNA. The ABPI tell me that I mustn't worry and it is <b>all</b> in hand, that much has already been done understanding <b>that</b> these things take time, but I <b>don't</b> feel reassured. "On a typical forum, you don't really <b>know</b> when someone is speaking with you. Normally, electrons travel through a material in a way that is comparable to the motion of electromagnetic waves, including light; their behavior can be described by trend <b>equations.<br></b> The <b>work</b> was <b>supported</b> by Siemens AG and through the U.<br> This Is the End is unlikely in order to silence them. When his turn came for This Can be your Life in 1998, Clary responded with a glowing compliment: "I'm here, Frank, to tell the world what we just about all know, what a funny, amusing and very handsome man you are usually. |
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