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Words of Ignorance
Words of Ignorance

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Doomsday Device Dealer


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June 02nd 1988

Inside my own black world

Added:March 02nd 2010, 00:41:23
Series:[ The Unreal Empire ]
Rating:5/5 (Votes: 3)

With open eyes I stare into the darkness.
Trying to make sense of what I see.
The closer I look at what is essentially the lack of meaning, I begin to see the silhouettes.
Blurred grey shapes that shift themselves randomly from side to side.

they seem to be dancing.
some are even smiling. some are just standing around.
I see them flying through the black space. fading. reappearing.

whispers. the dull sound of the cane of an old one.
it is staring at me. it stopped when it saw me. just staring.
I stare at it.
No expression on its face.
some of the others are stopping. they stare at me.
more are stopping. I stare at them.
No expression on my face.

Looking closer at one in the crowd. it's crying. it seems also scared.
the blurred tears merge with the black nothingness.
all of them stopped.
none is smiling anymore.

With closed eyes I am trying to look at myself.
I can only see a shadow. I am calm.

slowly falling. No feeling. No expression.
just staring.

the sound of earth being tossed onto the coffin.
anotherone started crying. they whisper.

just staring at myself.

I am tired

March 02nd 2010, 09:18:10
really touching

nice work

March 06th 2010, 03:50:19
If you wanted to be gloomy and depressing, sir, you have most certainly succeded. Nicely done.

Now I'll go see a clown fall off a cliff or something to lift my mood.

Generally speaking, sleeping is good for the tiredness. Imagining things from other perspectives is good too.

I'm telling this more to myself than to you, perhaps to reassure it in the back on my head.

Anyway, it's good. Greetings.

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