PHQ-Nickname: Unnamed0DV
Halfquake: Home00|
Level: 7
Total kills: 17,360
Birthday: September 22nd 1982
Chronicals of the Unnamed, Chapter 4 |
Description: Copyright Steve Eik 1999-2012-3099, Continued from chapter 32-42.1% |
Chapter 4 – Lydel
I don’t think I did a very good job describing the actual size of Lydel in the last chapter, so I will go into a little more depth now. While it is true that in all my time there I can’t honestly say I have seen every part of it, I’m pretty sure I saw most. The walls that I could see no end to did in fact have one, but they were far beyond my eyesight. The main walls of the city run from one side of the continent all the way to the other.
Granted the location of Lydel on Ly has helped in this spot, the northernmost part of the continent not being as wide as the rest, but the distance was quite long. If one were to walk from one end of it to the other it would take at least five days. The formation of the land also helped separate the wealthier from the common, a lone road winding up the steep incline out of Central Lydel called Grandor’s Crest which led up to the hills of North Lydel and the more “up-scale” part of the city.
The kingdom of Lydoria, which extends far beyond the city limits that technically stop at the wall of Libau, is about seven times the size of the actual city (about three times the city limits), and through time and thought I distinguished it to be about the size of Canada in its entirety, though of course in a different shape in accordance to Ly. This was approximately one third of the continent, the rest being either uninhabited, undeclared, or residence for the Orcs, the remaining Resistance, and any other faction opposing Lydoria that there may be.
The city itself (not the city limits(usually referred to as Golden Meadows), which is the size of a small country, or large state, itself) competes up there for the biggest cities in the world along with New York, California and Paris. In the southern parts it is the widest, ranging the same length as the wall, and thinning down the more north you go as the land of the continent naturally lessons.
Unlike most games the city does rival real life cities. There are numerous shops, banks, inns, bars, training centers, churches, and everything else you’d expect to see in a city. These differ in quality depending on their location, and each are owned and operated by NPCs, though they each could be moved to sell if the price is right.
The majority of buildings in the city like any real city are residential, and like any real city they range in quality, from our one room back alley apartments to huge block long mansions and castles. The materials used in housing differ as well; though usually correspond with each other in each district and suburb, from wood to stone to rock and everything that could be imagined in between.
Guard stations were set up in various sections of the city, usually in-between suburbs and districts, and acted as the Desex police stations. The main offices of which we visited recently our first day here is located at the main entrance in South Lydel, in two large stone buildings on opposing sides of the entrance. Beyond those buildings east and west against the wall were one of many passageways through the city.
From East to west across the wall westward were four suburbs, in order they are Frantom, Sontrand, Flucstun and Beggar’s Way. The first three take up about one fifth of the distance of the wall on that side, while Beggar’s way takes up two fifths, even extending further then the twenty or so miles the Southern Lydel Suburbs extend northward into West Lydel.
On the opposite side going eastern three slightly larger suburbs (the distance is the same as the entranceway is located at the direct center of town) each taking up about two sixths of the space and extending northward the same amount of space. From west to east these are Doval, Cleffstone and Gamlure. These are all about the same size and shape as one another, while Gamlure holds the second and final entrance to the city, a sort of side entrance that leads out to Visim Beach right before Honor Point begins. This entrance is found at the South Eastern most part of town, and looks much like the main entrance, though about half the size.
As I’ve said the southern suburbs extend north about twenty miles or so, and between the two rows along the southern city there is an entrance area that wasn’t given an official name. This is one main larger road then in most places of the city where certain businesses are found, mostly importing things like food and materials, though there is an Inn and a branch of the bank not too far away from the entrance. The guard’s main quarters as I’ve also mentioned are located here, and the beginnings of the rows and rows of houses you get accustomed to seeing in town.
Further north depending on where you are you will end up in either West, Central or East Freeport, each of the suburbs in South having major entrances into Central as well as various smaller ones that are seen between districts and suburbs normally. Usually these are small brick walls with openings near guard stations, and there are anywhere from five to ten of them leading between the districts. These usually have small passageways, sometimes ramps up or down depending on the geography, and used the same hardened dirt or stone that I mentioned earlier.
Since I’m working from the center I will continue that way, if you travel up the main road passing the houses and stores you will eventually enter Central Lydel, considered by many to be the main portion of the city. The entrance to this is much more grandiose then others, a large stone arch made and raising quite a number of stories into the air.
It was made of a similar but different type of stone, light brownish almost gold in color, and had four huge archways to it, two each leading to the two southern suburbs of Central Lydel set up at equal distances from each other after a slightly larger space between them.
Clockwise from northwest to northeast we have four Suburbs comprising Central Freeport, and they are Auldengard, Dourgon, Traphampton and Llancat. These each take up square-ish shapes which combine to form a rectangular shape that takes up the center of the entire city.
In the center of Central Freeport is a separate section, not really a suburb or district, yet not a part of any of the others. This is called Market’s Square, even though it is in the shape of a circle in the dead center of the city. This is where you can find some of the highest end shops set up, and the few that are only found there such as the Jewelry shop. It also is home of the main branch of the Lydel Bank system, which I will get into more later.
This rectangle in the center of the city gives way to West Lydel on the west, East Lydel on the east and oddly enough, North Lydel to the North. It extends the entire space north from South Lydel to North, moving over to West and east at a curious change in the continents landscape. A large hill, led up by Grandor’s Crest is accessible only through Central Lydel, Honor Point surrounding it and extending around the northern most portions of West and East Lydel, with Calm meadows extending on that side separating them and The cliffs of madness from the Suburbs much like on the East side.
There are three suburbs in West Lydel, moving west from Central you would first enter Krelnit, which is one of the biggest suburbs in the city, moving northward from South Lydel all the way up to Honor Point (separated by the Calm Meadow of course) in a rectangular shape, stretching westward about sixty miles or so. Continuing westward you will find Ghulstire and Dranbroot, to the north and south respectively. They each take up the same space left over from Krelnit to the Cliffs of Madness, and the main bulk of West Lydel.
They are both square-ish as are most of the Suburbs, though Dranbroot is significantly smaller then the rest as Beggar’s Way has extended itself (unofficially) northward and slightly east into it. With Beggar’s Way leading the way, the other suburbs and in fact all of West Lydel is considered the poorest part of the city(outside of Beggar’s Way itself of course). Most of the buildings are made from wood that is far past worn with straw roofs that mostly are falling apart. Most of the businesses there are cheap, which reflects the quality of the products in most cases. As a rule this is the worst in Beggar’s Way, everything getting slightly better as you make your way east or north (though far enough east that you pass Beggar’s Way in Southern Lydel).
East Lydel is set up somewhat differently then the rest of the city, with four suburbs compiling it. In the space where Krelnit would be on the opposite side lie two, Pencrile and Hunder, to the north and south respectively. They expand eastward another ten or so miles more then Krelnit does westward, but together make up the same amount of space going northward from Southern Lydel. They are each about the same size as one another.
Further east you will come find Gyal, an oddly shaped suburb that takes up the space between Pencrile and Hunder on the west leading to Cranistal to the east. It is shaped most closely resembling a bottle neck, though not going to far east or west at either it’s top or bottom.
Cranistal takes up the rest of East Lydel, and if not for the landscape would be the biggest Suburb in all of Lydel. The incline westward of the continent is significantly more so then on the opposite side of the continent, making East Lydel compared to West about three fifths as big.
Upon entering Cranistal, which fills up all of the space left over by Gyal in a sort of backwards D shape, you will head higher up, half from the natural peaks of the cliffs you would eventually come to, and half by man made elevation. This elevation is used to make and hold most of the buildings of the suburb, and also acts as a sort of barrier to the Calm Meadow, cutting off all but a few of the entrances to it in East Lydel.
Calm Meadow, which I’ve mentioned several times already, is not part of any single Suburb or District or any other classification. It is a part of West, East, North and Central Lydel, and as I’ve said serves as a buffer point between the city and the cliffs found all around the city at the continent’s edge.
It is only about five to seven miles wide in any given location, and usually is blocked off by slightly higher walls (though still no taller then any average man) with very little entrances into it. These rare gaps in the wall will usually be guarded, though no towers or buildings are to be found alongside it, and it is considered off limits for most of the Lydel community. This of course didn’t stop me from a few visits during my exploration days.
The layout of the Meadow on Northern Lydel is quite different, the amount of space it takes up only two or so miles wide, and most of that taken up by a thick, barley passable line of trees on both sides of the continent and most of the northern curve. The only place missing this is the bare planes where only grass and flowers grow behind the castles on the northernmost edge of Ly.
Trees and grass grow well throughout the Meadow, planted and maintained by city workers in what I assume to be a successful attempt at hiding the “edge of the world”. Most of the trees are grown together in lines to almost resemble a skimpy forest, and for the most part you cannot see (and in all respects feel as if your at ground level) until you are suddenly faced with the sudden drop.
I say sudden not to imply that one step out of the forest will send you plummeting down to the ocean a few thousand miles down, but the atmosphere does change dramatically, depending on which cliffs you were to enter. Upon leaving the Meadow the ground is changed suddenly to the same hardened rock found in the Golden Meadows, though at Honor Point the color is more white-ish grey.
The atmosphere is calm and peaceful most times, and there are even natural inclines up leading to balcony like ledges that overlook some of the most beautiful views of the horizon and the uncharted regions of ocean beyond Ly.
This is drastically different from the experience of the Cliffs of Madness, where the ground is dark and blackened, the cliffs are jagged and at only a few random spots even and the sky always seems dark, as if a storm was consistently about to start at any and all moments of the seasons. Winds often blow in most parts quite heavily, though the entire span of the cliffs is chilly and harsh, while the view is obscured by an ever present thick fog. This presents even more danger as it is often hard to even see where the cliffs end, and it prevents most views from beyond them, though on quiet nights you can hear the ocean clashing against the jagged rocks below. It almost feels as if you’ve passed through the realm of the living into some sort of Christian idea of limbo, and stumbling around in the fog can almost seem as if your floating throughout the empty afterlife, even the life of The Game far forgotten.
And that is all of lower Lydel, most of us making the clear distinction between North Lydel and the rest of the city, which as I’ve mentioned earlier is elevated at quite a sudden pace a couple miles north out of Central Lydel (which has a similar towering stone archway as the entrance from South, though only one large arch leading through Calm Meadows.
The main road leads northward through the meadows, special lines of trees following on either side of you as you walk on the much nicer roads, which are paved like all of Northern Lydel in varying colors of the most spectacular golds and whites you’ve ever seen, often accompanied with fancy icons and pictures on either side or rarely in certain parts the center that ranged anywhere from swords to birds to different colored lines and objects intersecting and surrounding each other.
The path goes strait up from Central Lydel until you reached Grandor’s Crest, where the trees divert from there parallel set up to appear more freely in the open field you would find yourself in. This holds way to one of the few portions of Honor Point that is openly available to the public on either side, with benches and fountains found that provide spectacular views off of the continent.
Further north through the field you can climb the road, which starts the very steep incline in a zig-zag manner, starting in the western corner of the field and heading east, turning up the incline and heading west, repeating the process for five levels. I say levels referring to each path west to east, not actual distance up, as each level keeps a pretty steep incline, the total amount North Lydel being raised above the rest of the city at least five miles.
Upon reaching the top the continent seems to level out for the most part, though still keeping a slight incline as you head north, as well as becoming thinner and thinner. The widest part of North Lydel, located about twenty feet from Grandor’s Crest is about a third of the total length of the widest part of South Lydel, and to the edge of the northernmost section of the city, lessens to almost a third of that.
I never knew how but river like streams lined most of the roads of North, maybe a foot deep and keeping a steady stream throughout the many streets all the way up to a fairly large lake in-between the two castles of Kingston. The buildings were greatly well made, most of them corresponding in design with the accompanying road, made from the finest marble and stone you’d expect to see.
There were statues and much fancier street lights (which were lit by torches every night by city workers) paving the roads and fountains were found as well in certain circles. The inside’s of the buildings were just as fancy as the outside, with marble making up most of the flooring and numerous decorations you’ll find nowhere else in the city. These ranged from stone carvings of things from dragons to people, amazingly drawn wall hangings and pictures, magic powered lamps, suits of armor, weapons and the finest made wooden furniture in the city.
The shops were also the best in the city, most rivaling the businesses of Market Square and some even better, armorers and weapon makers were privy to the finest and most expensive metals, leather workers the finest leather, while bakeries bars and markets the finest food and drink in all of Ly. Of course this influenced the pricing of such places, and these were also the most expensive shops in the city, usually only afforded by the wealthier of Lydel’s citizenship.
Though there were a number of shops in North Lydel the mass majority were more like managing offices, where the higher ups sold products to the businesses of lower Lydel. Most of the higher ranks of the guard and Lydorian military resided among the districts, as well as what we would relate to the real world as rich businessmen and politicians. The houses were much bigger then lower Lydel, most being at least twice the size as the largest home found below and a lot having three or more stories.
These were all found in two districts that take up the main portion of North Lydel, in the same rectangular shape from below from west to east, each extending maybe 60 or so miles northward. These were Travenguard to the south and Rivale to the north.
Rivale extended all the way north to the line of trees brought by the Calm meadow and the final sharp incline of Ly’s land mass center-ward. This made way to Imperial road, which looked like a much fancier version of Grandor’s Crest, the same park like atmosphere with bigger and fancier fountains with perfectly crafted marble and stone benches overlooking Honor Peak and the lower city. Flower beds were scattered along the path and few trees were spread out around the field, grass growing long and healthy.
The path went strait northward through the field up the final and slight incline of land and led to Kingston, which I’ve mentioned earlier. This wasn’t really considered a Suburb by most, and is where the royal and supporting families resided, each in a massive castle.
The Lydan family, which ruled Lydel in the way one would think of a king or queen of medieval times took residence in Ly Castle, and I always amazed at how well the NPC psyche was designed and implemented so far as to even have them take the name of the continent as their own. This castle was enormous; some might even consider it a small district in and of itself, filled with endless hallways and room after room of trophies, statues, paintings, decorations and endless amounts of other eye candy even not found in the rest of North Lydel.
The castle employed a hefty amount of servants, each who had their own room, plainer then the rest of the castle but still by comparison to lower Lydel extremely fancy, and the many floors of the estate held libraries, cafeterias, numerous master bedrooms, training centers, observatories, meeting rooms, relaxation rooms (with the only fireplaces found in Lydel, besides the relaxation rooms of Castle Veltire) and even had a set of four guard towers that were built on each corner of the castle. It was located at the very northern most part of the continent, with just a mile or two separating its back yard of the Calm Meadow from Honor Point.
The second castle, which is located a mile or two east of Castle Ly and takes up the north easternmost portion of the continent is called as I’ve just mentioned, Castle Veltire (Or Veltire Castle). This castle, while smaller then Castle Ly was fairly similar, the same kind of rooms and slightly different decorations, statues and pictures. It employed its fair share servants as well which resided on the lower levels, while the upper levels consisted of high quality almost house like floors for each of the king’s court.
This court would be relatable to the other branches of American government besides the presidential office, though on the highest floor of the castle resided Allard V’Sitai, the King’s personal confidant and right hand man, relatable to the vice president of American government.
To side track a moment, the Lydan government, most at first look closely resembling a monarchy, was a lot alike most of the governments seen in the real world(or at least the ideas behind them). In all actuality they were mostly figureheads, NPCs that were allowed to just sit around on the majority of the money of Ly (at the time) and live out their lives in luxury without many cares.
It did have a use of course though, the government (which focused on the King as the main decider, while his court brought idea’s and helped discuss with the king to make those decisions) in charge of the military, the schedules and promotions of guards and soldiers, as well as how many would be deployed out of the city limits to guard the kingdom (This was actually done in part technically speaking from out in the real world, with subtle directions given to the king’s subconscious as a lot of the patrols of guards, especially out of the city, were spawned and not as unique as the ones who started from birth and lived a life not much different then we did.).
Besides that their only other main power was monetary. Prices of raw goods sold to the shops of the city are regulated in accordance to the value of the coin, to not be charging too much or too little. This is the only action of the city the government directly is involved in, to avoid corruption, as most of the policies are carried out by the guards or military in relation to their districts. If needed (which was mainly during the beginning war time when they would put it in story wise of the respawning of soldiers being funded in Desex as training operations and recruitment of the soldiers that were to be spawned) taxes were collected, in relation to how much total money you have in the bank system, but besides that the government had little power.
They determined the basic laws of the city, no murdering, fighting (outside the Arena of course) or stealing were the main laws, and coming from the real world seemed like quite a small amount. The guards enforced these laws, and the government had little to do with it, though they did get involved with Treason and banishment of repeated or substantial crime. There wasn’t jail per say, it was more of a time out. If you were caught breaking the law in the city you would be punished determined by what you’ve done, and this usually involved being led into the lower portions of a guard’s tower, building or even Ly Castle, and put in the only other instanced zoning in Lydel, the jail cell.
This was worked in the same basic way as Olden Homes, though not of course by you. Dependant on your punishment the cell would be picked and set a time, and then you would be led in. Upon entering you would simply go to sleep, and while I never had it happen to me I’ve had it described to me. You don’t have to lay down, you don’t have to close your eyes, in fact the very instant you are pushed through the gap of the open cell door you essentially black out.
You do not dream, you can not tell what is happening or why, in all actuality you forget you even exist. Your time is spent like this, though you don’t perceive it, most people who’ve described it to me have told me they felt the push into the cell, seemed to black out or fall asleep, and come to at the end of the push, usually falling or on their hands and knees.
You’re time, whether it be a year or an hour is perceive by you only a split second. This is done for our sake, as even breaking rules in a game didn’t seem to warrant any real actual conscious punishment, though the time you lose in the game can be annoying, and your experience actually decays while in it slightly. You are also not conscious to be able to leave The Game anymore then you can even realize you are being punished at the time.
The system worked, most players abiding by the few laws placed upon us while in town, and the few criminals that developed usually taking the other way out, death, by trying to fight the guards who caught them. Most guards were extremely high level (compared to us at least) and took us down with no problem.
When killed by a guard you will go into that same sort of unconscious sleep for twelve hours before you are re-spawned, and unlike normal death everything on your body can be looted by anyone (and usually the guard himself will nab a few things for the hassle you put him through), though most would argue it was the easier punishment to get over, as you could easily regain new things in the time it takes for longer prison sentences.
Anyway, the suburb (for purposes of this description) of Kingston is basically the final northern tip of the continent after Imperial Road. It is about 60 miles from the western tip of trees in the Calm Meadow to the eastern tip of trees and about 45 to 50 from the end of Imperial road to the cliffs behind Ly Castle.
It consists of the two castles each separated, as I explained above, by Crystal Lake This lake started from the stream coming through the northern city and through Imperial Road and underneath the road as it led northward towards Castle Ly. The stream then enters a fairly large lake in what is assumed to be a man dug area, going a good thirty feet at its deepest points, and stretches out around the east side of Castle Ly up to the front of Castle Veltire, curving around its southern side.
The road that goes northward reaches a bridge over the stream to the lake, made of fancy painted wood. It was strong and sturdy and although not much wood is found in North Lydel, fits nicely with the atmosphere. Flowers bloom freely and trees outside the Calm Meadow are common. The road leads up to the entrance to Ly Castle, then turns east and runs along its wall, passes it and a few feet later form another wooden bridge that stretches across the main portion of the lake to Castle Veltire. The same exquisitely made wooden, stone and marble benches line the road, and there are a number of wooden gazebos made on sides of the second bridge, which is much wider then the first.
And that is the basic layout of Lydel. If looking at it from a map you would see these Suburbs separated by color across the whole of the city, though I’m still not sure if it accurately describes the size and scope of it. Each Suburb is separated further into at least four (though most have six to eight) districts.
Each suburb as a rule usually has a northern, southern, eastern, western and central district, as well as a few others separated into the northwestern, northeastern, southwestern and southeastern corners. In some suburbs districts take up larger spaces, and those ones who take up for example the western and south western space, like Sparrows Peak of Gamlure, are usually named not after their direction. Each of these districts can each themselves take up ten to forty square miles, so that should help some more in imagining the actual size of the city as a whole.
I will list these in the same order I introduced the Suburbs, and I will not mention Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts, unless they are named differently according with those locations, as most of the Suburbs have them. I will list them clockwise again from northwest to northeast.
In Frantom there is Whistler’s Road, Clivedale, Entry Way and Trader’s Post (which took up the east-northeastern portion of the suburb), while in Sontrand, Grapplestone, Shepard’s Way, Leopard’s Lane and Floston. Moving further westward Flucstun was home to Brask, Drun, Brandybrine and Lushberry Lane, while Hobbit’s Hole, Darkened Corner (which took up the west-southwestern portion of the suburb), Thieves Waylay and Deserted Alley were found in Beggar’s Way. Deserted Alley took up the northern as well as northwestern parts of the suburb, and extended up in all directions into Dranbroot.
On the opposing side of Frantom across from the unnamed main road Doval shared the names of its north-northwestern and southwestern districts with the opposing side, Trader’s Post and Entry Way, respectively, while continuing the circle also houses Ghestul and Polix. In Cleffstone you will find Crandal, Juval, Pandal and Ghesthal, while in Gamlure there is Gramshire, Hev, Lydel’s Side and Sparrow’s Peak.
Lydel’s Side took up the south-southeastern portion of the city and was home to the second and final entrance to the city, while Sparrow’s Peak took up the east-northeastern portion of the suburb and is the start of the Calm Meadow. This was one of the few portions of the Calm Meadow that was open to the lower city and made way to the start of Honor Point, which starts a few miles northward as the edge of the continent rises past Visim Beach at the sudden rise of the incline that is extended high from the relative low latitude of the rest of Southern Lydel.
Central Lydel districts are slightly different from the rest of the city, Market Square taking up the southeastern, northeastern, northwestern and southwestern portions of Auldenguard, Dourgon, Traphampton and Llancat respectively. Auldenguard’s Northwestern and Llancat’s Northeastern portions are shared as the start of Grandor’s Crest (though their central and northern districts are slightly larger then most suburbs), while Dourgon’s east-southeastern and Traphampton’s west-southwestern portions combine to make Trader’s Gathering at the base of Market Square.
Besides those you would find the Old District and Adventurer’s Transition in the northwest and southwest corners of Auldenguard, Rich’s Slump and Wanderer’s Way in the northwest and southwest corners of Dourgon, Traveler’s Corner and Hentvale in the southeast and northeast corners of Traphampton and finally Hunter’s rise and Lambert to the southeast and northeast corners of Llancat.
Moving west Krelnit also has a different setup of its districts due to its width, having seven districts, from north to south, Northern, Hustine, Lushfield, Central, Greshtenroot, Pinewood and Southern. Further east, returning to the same clockwise description, Ghulstire holds Jivanche, Mable Drive, Final Refuge and Jelshire Junction, while Dranbroot has Lonely Hollow to the northwest, Shudder Street to the south east and Duscant to the northeast. Deserted Alley extends up from Beggar’s Way and most people refer to it for Dranbroot’s entire south-southwestern district, as well as parts of its western district and Shudder Street.
Across to the eastern side of Central Lydel Pencrile is home to the largest district in the city, the Training Grounds, which take up its northwestern, northern and northeastern districts (as well as extend slightly further in comparison to other suburbs into central, western and eastern) while Apprentice’s Way takes up the south-southwestern portions and Gallowstone the southeastern. Under Pencrile you will find Luspine Lane, Jolinville, Shady Acres and Restmoore in Hunder, while further east Gyal is set up much like Krelnit, though with only five districts stretching from north to south. This is due to the smaller size of Gyal, it being about half the width of Krelnit, though the five districts extend a bit further northward. These are, from north to south, Northern, Sorcerer’s Haven, Central, Warrior’s Retreat and Southern.
Further eastward to the final suburb in lower Lydel, Cranistal’s districts are also set up differently then the rest of the suburbs. Again thanks to the smaller space on the eastern side of the city the suburb is divided into three long districts from north to south, each extended roughly 60 miles east to west to make larger rectangular shapes inside the suburb. From west to east these are Rolling Hills, Puntire Plateau and Handor’s Barricade.
Rolling Hills consisted of the steady incline that the eastern edge of the continent held, while Puntire Plateau, which was about the size of the other two districts combined and was where it evened off and the main section of Cranistal. Handor’s barricade, one of the smallest districts in the city was basically a street crossing from Puntire Plateau to a line of houses all crafted in the same foundation across the border of Cranistal and the Calm Meadow. This blocked off any entrance to it from East Lydel.
Travenguard and Rivale, thanks to the even smaller amount of space found in upper Lydel, were each comprised of only northern, southern, eastern and western districts, though the northern and southern districts extended through the would be center and the eastern and western expanded up north and south to the would be corner districts. Kingston, not really a suburb itself had no districts, though most considered each castle and Crystal Lake as small districts in and of themselves.
And that is Lydel, a lot of names and directions to take all in at once, but names that I will be using throughout the first two books. They will give the reader who is not personally accustomed to the city a better idea of its layout and scope, though I still doubt it accurately shows it, but is the best I can do without actually leading you around the city streets.
It is what I consider my home town, my first major residence, and within a few months (and weeks for certain districts and suburbs that I spent more time in) I could find my way around and direct others through the city better then I could find a bus stop down the street in the r]eal life city I lived in and hid from on my computer most of the time. |
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