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February 17th 1982


Added:July 25th 2003, 10:54:34
Series:[ Articles from my website ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

I don't think I've ever seen anything cause as much happiness or as much grief as women. I personally have loved them so much that I don't know what I'd do without them. On the other end of the spectrum, I've hated some of them so much I wished to destroy everything they've ever come in contact with. Luckily, lately there's been much more of the former, but hey, things change. In today's class, I'll be talking about things girls do and why they do them. (And why they should be mocked mercilessly for some of them)

Guys, how many times have you heard a disgruntled woman wine about how "all men suck!" and how she can't find a "nice guy." Then, since she'd think you were a prick if you didn't ask her why, you do so. Now comes the poor fist-fuck story of how some guy she met somewhere a week ago wouldn't date her or did and dumped her. Now, because she's unhappy, all men suck.

Or with certain girls they'll go on a long tirade about how her boyfriend of however the hell long mistreats her. But she won't dump him. Eventually she either marries the dick or he breaks up with her cause he's been cheating with someone younger. After all that, she starts going out with guys EXACTLY like the one before him.
Men are the dumb ones? Now don't get me wrong here, the guy in the second scenario IS an asshole, but it was the woman who stayed with him. Still don't agree? Let me put it another way. Your plane crashed in a forest far from anywhere and you have no shelter. Wanting some place to stay, you look for a cave nearby. You walk in to the first one you see because it looks good from the outside. Inside the cave is a very pissed off bear that's gonna rip you apart. Do you stay in that cave? No, you get your ass out and find a new fucking cave! Get it? Well apparently, some women don't. They think they can tame the bear. Women? You can't tame the bear. Don't be a dumbass.

Here's a solution for you ladies. Don't insist on trying to attract the lowest kind of man. "What?!" I can hear you shrieking, "I don't do that!" Oh no? Where would 90% of women over 18 go to pick up a potential mate? If you said the bar, give yourself 100 points. Good call girls, other than the highest concentration of assholes other than a KKK rally, it's a great place to find a nice guy. I've got another idea! Starve yourself! Nice guys only date girls that are 24 pounds, right!? Ooh! While we're at it, let's add double your weight in make up! How about some fake boobs! Guys love it when their woman has more silicon in her than the entire Microsoft building!

Oh this is big too, if you don't want to be wanted for your body, don't dress like a whore. "Look skanky friend #1! I just bought a dress that actually lets my boobs hang right out, I hope those dirty men don't stare at me all night!" Are you that damn clueless?! Come on, don't taunt the damn bear and rub raw meat on yourself and not expect him to try to eat you. It's simple, if you want a nice guy, don't be an idiot.

Another thing. What the hell is with this "I SAW HIM FIRST!" thing girls do! You so much as look at one girl (Usually the ugly/fat ones) and she outright forbids her friends from ever going near you. What if you like one of her friends? You're screwed. Too bad you looked at the slutbeast, you can't have the nice girl now. That's total bullshit. We should be able to go after whoever we want without having to find a girl that doesn't have a nasty friend that latches on when you say hi.

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