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Silentium -- Paradiesseits allemal
Silentium -- Paradiesseits allemal

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August 29th 1988

[IDEA] Product contest

Mood:mmmmh... doughnuts
Type:Diary entry
Added:July 30th 2006, 12:51:59
Rating:5/5 (Votes: 2)

A wonderful idea...

Dear Audience

Yesterday I had a wonderful idea, I would like to share without: A contest for the most hilarious CS/TC product. Of course with a umpires, prizes and voting.

The Idea itself

The idea is just simple: There are two contests: One for the most hilarious trap, and for the most hilarious contract; therefore two votings take place. Everyone is free to submit two products on the contest of his class. The sent items will be listed, prepared, and presented to the public. Then everyone (this means a TC can also vote for the best contract) can vote for his favourite, but not for his own. The first, second and the third place gets the prizes the umpires must provide. Prizes are as the following:
1st Place: 50,000 SD
2nd Place: 25,000 SD
3rd Place: 10,000 SD

The Umpires

The umpires of this contest, receive the votings and check them for their correctness. If everyone just votes for his own, we won't have a winner. They also provide the prize money. The umpires are not allowed to submit their products to the contest (who should pay them if they win?).

I would take over this job, but if anyone would like to help out feel free to contact me. But notice that a big amount of money is needed, since you have to pay the winners.


If anyone has concern about this idea, please drop some lines. I would like to hear every critism.

July 30th 2006, 14:35:51
I think its a pretty good idea. I feel rich here though, lol. Thats junk change to me. Unfortunatly, I can only send so much per day :(.

I guess you can think of me as a sponser, lol. (too lazy to judge or actually think up a clever name).

July 30th 2006, 23:57:39
I could help out, you know, because I have nothing to do and I'm next in line to lower muddasheep's rank ;) .

I'll might also make my "get my contract and win a prize" contest.

July 31st 2006, 17:25:43
This would be very helpful All, I know you got a bunch of money ^^

August 04th 2006, 16:20:46
count me in with this idea

new discriptors and a image of some sort of carnage done by said trap

of course it would have to be OEU "OVERKILL Enterprises Unlimited" style

August 10th 2006, 12:57:12
I'd like to be a sponsor too, because I have too much money at the moment ^^
Just ask me.

Where do you want to listen the submitted traps/contracts?

July 29th 2009, 10:55:08
There is loads of money filling my vaults, so my sponsoring is for sure. Only thing is that my visits to this site are so random and rare.
But yeah, I will contribute or take part to the competition. Or probably do both, since Im not after money, paying me is not a problem, Im just after fame 8D

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