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Quick Movie Reviews VI

Added:May 15th 2007, 22:10:56
Series:[ Quick Movie Reviews ]
Rating:5/5 (Votes: 3)

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

I don't watch a lot of movies more than once, but this one I've already watched three times. It's easily one of my favourite movies now. Will Ferrell plays a guy who suddenly hears a voice in his head which narrates everything that he does. Soon the audience finds out that he is actually a character in somebody's new book, and with the help of Dustin Hoffman he tries to find out who the author is. One of the biggest surprises of the movie is Will's more or less serious acting - and how he actually manages to pull it off. If you love movies like Groundhog Day then you must see Stranger Than Fiction.


Night at the Museum (2006)

Have you ever wondered what happens in museums at night? Well, maybe everything comes to life, right? In this movie you can follow Ben Stiller as he discovers the true nightmare behind his new job as nightwatch. Also starring Robin Williams and Owen Wilson. Great effects and funny scenes make this the perfect movie to kill 100 minutes of your life.


Happy Feet (2006)

As a fan of computer animations I also had to watch this one. The trailer hasn't really impressed me, dancing penguins wasn't exactly something that gets me interested. But the movie actually had quite a bunch of scenes that made it worth watching. The beautiful landscapes alone should be good enough for anybody to pick this movie. The story isn't really complex, but can be interpreted in a few different ways. I also liked some of the songs, where they mixed famous songs with others. You have to look past the childish feel that this movie presents sometimes, and really appreciate the things behind it. Also, the voices of Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, Nicole Kidman and Hugo Weaving add a lot of depth to the characters. But despite the child-friendly rating, it is definitely not a movie for everyone. I for myself liked it very much.


Employee of the Month (2006)

Sometimes I just take what I can get. I saw this movie because I just wanted to sit back and watch something. Basically it's about a guy who wants to impress a girl by becoming the employee of the month because a rumor says that every month she picks the best employee and sleeps with him. It sounds cheesy, but it's actually quite okay. I found it surprisingly entertaining. Sure, there are a few low jokes, but if you want some time to shut off your brain, there you go.


Art School Confidential (2006)

An artist tries his luck and goes to art school. But there he discovers that art is not always about how much work you put into it. John Malkovich tries to explain art to him by showing him his pieces of work - rectangles. So, what is art? Watch the film and find out. By the way, John Malkovich does an excellent job once again.


Musa (2001)

The first half of the film seemed a bit on the senseless side, but the rest is actually quite okay. If you're into epic chinese battle movies, give it a try.


A Scanner Darkly (2006)

I've waited way too long to see this movie, and after seeing the trailers my expactations have grown beyond sight. The movie wasn't exactly disappointing. The whole film uses Rotoscoping, and it creates some very nice effects. The story is quite interesting too and it will definitely be a movie you will remember, just don't expect too much and you'll be fine. Those who dislike Keanu Reeves should keep their hands away though.


Deja Vu (2006)

A bomb explodes on a ship and Denzel Washington arrives at the scene to solve the crime. Sounds like any other story, right? Well, if there weren't some kind of mechanism that allows him to look back into the past, I guess this would be a pretty normal movie. Personally, I didn't expect anything of this movie, but I was really surprised. This movie is a fast paced ride. Be aware though, should you get this movie (and I'd say you do) you should really avoid all descriptions and plot summaries (especially the one on IMDB), because most of those descriptions actually spoil the plot for you a bit. Just get it and be entertained at its finest.


Tenacious D - Pick of Destiny (2006)

Dick and fart jokes. Lots of them. Somewhere there's some good music to be found, but the lame ass jokes ruin the whole thing. I expected a lot more of Jack Black after School of Rock, King Kong, and songs like Tribute. But hey, Ben Stiller appears in it and at least he kicks ass.


Curse of the Golden Flower (2006)

If you've seen Hero and House of Flying Daggers you should know what to expect. I don't really know what to think of it. It didn't evoke any deep emotions in me while watching, unlike the other two movies mentioned before. Somehow it just passes by. The visuals are stunning though, as usual.


May 15th 2007, 22:29:55
Hey I gotta check out Stranger than fiction, sounds cool! :)

May 15th 2007, 23:06:10
Goddamn, I love your movie reviews.
These movies are perfect for boring evenings!

May 16th 2007, 06:25:22
I didn't see part of this films, so...can't give a rating

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