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Diary of a vampire, entry 1

Added:August 08th 2007, 01:34:47
Series:[ Diary of a vampire. ]
Rating:4/5 (Votes: 2)

This series was started on my deviant art account while PHQ was down. I figure it fits here on my personal page just as well so enjoy. Note: it's based on real time so I expect to make one update per day of between 4 and 12 paragraphs. This is actually quite a demanding schedule for me.


Hi, my name is Matthew, or Matt for short. I've never written one of these before so you'll have to bear with me. Well, I guess I'll start with me. I'm 17 and have been going to Proleaf college in my home town of Gableton for about a year now. My life is dull, all I do is sit through boring school lessons all day then hold myself up in my room, playing computer games or reading books. My parents really worry about me sometimes, I'm not the healthiest person in the world and my “Vitamin D deficiency” is becoming a major concern. I've tried finding something to do out in this “world” people keep talking about but there's really very little do compared to the amount of activities possible from my own portal to the world wide web.

So, regular boring nerdy teenager right? Well, that's how I see myself anyway. My parents believe me to be really negative and low-self esteem, but I shrug it off. I have no problems with who I am, I just have no superior urge to better myself. None of my friends think I'm weird so I guess I'm ok for now. Being isolationist does have some disadvantages though, such as not being in with the local “in” crowd, or being mistaken as part of the “out” crowd. It's weird but it's actually kind of cool being the middle crowd. The invisibles who don't make trouble and don't concentrate on being the most popular or smartest. Besides, the more I stay average in the real world the less people notice me and the less obligations I get forced into. Of course there's always the odd real-life friend who messes things up and tries to force me to do things I don't want. My parents, for one, are always going on these so called “Family trips” which essentially consists of taking us places we really don't want to go. Another vile perpetrator of the heinous sin of getting me out of my room is girl from our school. I won't trust her name to these pages until I can be sure I've found a suitable hiding place for this diary so if your reading this mum or dad, butt out.

Which brings me to the reason I started this diary. Things are usually pretty quiet around here apart from the odd family scuffle. Recently, however, I've felt the need to create. I'm not usually very creative but it's like something has woken inside of me, clawing to find it's voice. I've only just recently began listening to what it's been saying but most of what I make has been rejected as... well. What I create when I feel this urge, this indescribable compulsion, is often somehow... demented, satanic even. I see the picture and it's beautiful, the contrasts, the originality, the purity of it all, but ever since I've started drawing these, animating these, sculpting these, writing these... let's just say I've been making quite a lot of trouble at my art classes. Thankfully my parents haven't found out yet, being deeply Christian I'd hate to see their reactions if normal people are repelled.

There is another thing as well, there's this new guy at school. He's dark and mysterious, the type of guy who attracts all the ladies. I wouldn't be too bothered but there's something about him that makes my skin crawl. Anyway, I've got a feeling tomorrow will be an eventful day. Good night, my new diary.

August 11th 2007, 23:53:02
A good start. (: *keeps on reading*

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