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*sigh* Homecoming

Type:Diary entry
Added:October 05th 2003, 07:24:35
Series:[ Amy's Journals... ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Well, Rick and I went to homecoming...which is supposedly this big huge event that every high school has. Well, we went. He got to meet most of my friends, and they ALL love him. Everyone says that he is perfect for me. Which I love. I love the fact that we got to dance and that it was US. It was great. He told all of my friends how much he loves me and that he will make me the happiest girl by marrying me. Some were suprised by this, some were not. But now they have met him, the love of my life, my all, my everything. I love Rick, I really do. We got to dance, and have a pretty good time.

Well, there were some negatives too. We were both being made fun of by the stupid jocks that think they are SOOOO fucking cool. But they are not. It was weird, because at first, they all loved him, then they didn't love him. Not like they matter. But he/Rikki had requested the song Cold by Static-X. And the DJ said it was for Lucius. So, Lucius and Rikki had their dance. But there was a whole crowd of kids that gathered around just to make fun of us during a song that was different. Not fast dancing either, it was slow dancing. It was weird. They sat there making fun of Rikki and Lucius/ Rick and I for the rest of the night. They are SOOOO fucking immature. All of them. And they all deserve to DIE! And now I just want MY revenge. These are the same kids that make fun of me during school. They just all gathered around, ready to poke fun at us, but it would have been cruel and spiteful fun, not TRUE fun. A friend of mine, Jackie, told Rikki and Lucius to get out of there and go somewhere else, and of course, both were stubborn for a little bit. They both eventually just moved along. But it hurt. It doesn't hurt anymore, just gets me angry. But to think of the immaturity. And the best part is, I get to handle all of these kids in school on Tuesday. But, they truly do not matter. As long as I can keep Lucius in control when they all start, everything will be ok...right?

All I know is that I love Rick. And nothing that they can SAY or DO will change that. NOTHING! Becuase I know I LOVE him, and he LOVES me. Come on, earlier in the evening, I led him around the mall near my house by a bondage collar. And even though the people there were having their fun being grossed out, I had my fun. Not to mention that Rick decided to hump my leg and ass. HA HA HA HA! Well, I'm off for now. To anyone that reads this...goodnight or goodday.


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