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February 17th 1982

Religion 2

Added:July 25th 2003, 10:57:09
Series:[ Articles from my website ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Why are we so arrogant as a race that we must destroy each other to make ourselves happy? Don't think you're that destructive? I suppose you've never reveled in the afterglow of an enemy getting what they deserve. I'll bet you haven't ever privately snickered at the squirming of another as they're caught doing something they shouldn't. I'll give you a reason why every human does it. We need to feel superior. It's reflected in everything we do. Who has the biggest house? Who has bigger boobs? Who's got the fastest car? Who has the tightest ass and biggest muscles. (I forfeit that one) Largest dick? (But I totally win that one) And most importantly, who has the best God?

The answer to that last one is easy. Nobody. Being mortal, we are mistaken in our beliefs and can never know the truth until we die. Humans by nature are imperfect beings and cannot logically attain perfection. From a Christian perspective, God must've made us to be imperfect. If not, then we all ARE perfect which completely destroys the notion of free will since nothing we can do could be wrong. But how much is TOO wrong and how are we supposed to know? No religion can ever be truly correct. Does that mean we're all going to hell? Depends on what doctrine you follow. If you're catholic, then you go to hell for pretty much anything. Especially that thing you did ten minutes ago. That was nasty.

A false reality, that's all we want. We can't stand the thought of being alone, we want security. Right from our mother's wombs we want safety. We feel we have to know there's someone there watching over us, be it our parents, angels, or god. Alone we feel naked, so we create something. Like a spiritual security blanket. We want to believe we will never be truly left alone. And what could make you feel more alone than dying? It's a great unknown void. Way back when, we explained it away the only way we knew how. Mysticism and spirits. We also like to think that our enemies will burn in hell, suffering the ultimate punishment for crossing us. They did bad things, and instead of feeling helpless we pray for God to make things fair. But oftentimes these people have their own protector that they've set up, convinced that what they're doing is justifiable. No hell for them, hell for you. But with two opposite beliefs, surely at least one is wrong, but which? Unerringly if you ask a religious person this question, they'll always say that theirs is correct. Why? Because they know so. Unfortunately, this doesn't solve the question as both sides "know" they're correct. Obviously two opposing points of view can not both be infallible. As long as this need for security and desire to believe enemies will suffer torment for being different the world will never grow as it could. More pain will be inflicted on the world over time. Imagine all the wars that could have been avoided, people we could feed, and hatred we could avoid.

Just because a religious theory is common, by no means does that make it correct. For example, Jesus did some really dickheaded things that everyone just ignores. Check out Mark 11: 12-14.

"On the following day, when they came from Bethany, he was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to see whether perhaps he would find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. He said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard it."

He cursed a fig tree because it didn't give him what he wanted when he wanted it. Isn't that a sin? It's senseless and very arrogant at the least. Does this mean that when I go to a store and it's closed, I can picket it for not giving me everything I want and stop anyone from ever going in? No, because that's stupid.

I've received mail telling me that the bible is an accurate example of God on Earth. No, no it's not. The bible and other holy texts are at best just one extremely bad example per religion. Most have been edited innumerable times throughout the centuries. They are also supposed to be written by God through men. Isn't that convenient. Look everyone, God's making me write this article! What do you mean no? HEATHEN! How dare you disobey God! Just because something's in book form, does not lend it any credibility. You can write whatever drivel you want, doesn't make it truth.

Imagine if some of the biblical happenings went on in today's times. Today's media would so misconstrue everything that we'd have no idea what the whole story is. But what makes you think that that's not what happened back then as well? There was clearly a system of relaying news, so is it not entirely possible (If not downright probable) that some of the news was exaggerated? And as for those that were there and wrote their account of things, would they not make things seem far more unbelievable than they really were? Why would they do that? Well keep reading.
Look at the rest of the preachers in biblical times. They were on every street corner in every city. They were all speaking of far fetched ideas, humans heralding gods, evil versus good, and death. Why would the apostles not try to force some stock into their stories by embellishing a little. Lying and having 11 other people to collaborate would make things seem a little more reliable, no?

If you have any good religious arguments (I don't care weather you are or aren't) send them to me at

March 20th 2004, 11:43:28
how are most things proved? how do you prove if people breave oxygen? how do you prove i had breakfast this morning? science.

how do you prove there is a god? how do you prove your god is better then theirs? how do you prove the bible is real? you cant.

science is the basic proof of almost everything science explains why you feel cold when a window is open, why you die if you get a pike shoved through you, why you get tired etc. etc. but where is the proof of god? a bible? i silly little book that proberbly was made by some storywriter trying to make a quick buck. reprinted, edited and god knows what else [at least if there is a god] and heres the most important thing - according to christians i have just commited a sin - takeing gods name in vain - i mean how selfish can you be? and another thing - god says not to be envyous of other people yet in all theese holy wars he is being jealous of other gods or other gods land - take the israiles and palastinians.

the funny thing is that the chruch has been recorded as being in line with science at a time but after a while the chruch stopped comunicateing with science as it made all theese facinateing discoverys. why? it was scared it was afraid that science would prove that there is no god.

the most likely form of god i think is the he left his oven on and it exploded in the big bang and god has moved into a differnt universe and left this one alone so it has had to servive for itself... some god...

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