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Just Some Shit
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10-15-03 Something I don't quite understand...

Type:Diary entry
Added:October 16th 2003, 03:46:22
Series:[ Amy's Journals... ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

I've had a pretty decent day, you know, not great, but not bad. And its ruined. I'm such a negative mood, and I hate it. I don't understand why this happens. I could have had a great day, but I'll be in the worst mood later at night. I don't quite get it, I really don't. But anything that will make me feel better only lasts for such a short while, like I can't just be in a good mood anymore.

Not to mention the fact that I keep getting weird in that I keep getting lightheaded. Now, when I say lightheaded, I mean that I pretty much pass out when it happens. I can't stand and I can hardly move. Its weird. But I can't really talk when this happens, though I may want to scream to someone to help me. But there's nothing I can do, and I don't know when its coming, its very random, which poses a bit of a problem. *sigh* I don't understand this.

I've just not been doin good lately I guess. My body just seems to be giving up. I feel sick and weak all the time...*sigh* This just sux ass...and I don't even have my normal will to do anything. Well, I'm off for now, just going to go hope I don't get lightheaded and wait for my love to come online so I can talk to him for a little while. *sigh* I miss him. ::giggles::


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