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The Third Night...Torture

Added:January 21st 2004, 03:43:53
Series:[ Lucius' Journal ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

The torture of January 19, 2004...
Lucius V.S. Kat

Well, it happened in the world of dreams. The only time that the fights could be remembered. Luicus had figured out just that night how to corner Kat. He knew how to do it. He had to get Amy to think of torture in the way that it turned her on, exciting her. So he did. But how to get Kat out? He knew just what to do. He made Amy's fantasy so that Amy was strapped down. And, of course, Kat came. By this time, the fantasy was going awry. That was when Lucius stepped in, and of course, it had been his fantasy all along. Suddenly Kat was strapped down to an anvil, a giant anvil. The look in Kat's eyes was of fury and fear. Lucius could smell the fear creeping out of her. He pulled a poker off the wall. He shoved it into the burning flames of the fire burning behind him.
"Where do you want to be burned first?" he asked
" don't want to do know I'll just get you back and kill you..."
"No,'re had fun with my girl, now I have fun with you..."
He pulled the poker out of the fire, it was red hot and burning. He put the poker back in the fire, took his dagger, and cut off her clothes so gently. He made sure not to cut her body though. She was trying to struggle, but the bonds that held her were made with pain, his pain. after pulling off the clothes, he gently ran the dagger down her chest and stomach. He ran it down her legs and between them for a moment. Kat was now completely turned on, but she wanted the control. She was turned on, she wanted him, badly. Lucius knew this, he could sense it.
Lucius lifted the poker out of the fire. Kat was bound so that her arms and legs were both spread wide open. He held the poker over her and teased her with it. He was teasing her my asking where he should burn her first. When teh sense of fear in her had risen to the maximum, he stuck the poker in her side. Kat screamed, she sounded like an animal in the way that she screamed. But that was all Lucius saw her animal. She was nothing more. He removed the poker and put it on her chest, burning her again. He ran this straight down her chest to her navel. She was screaming still and crying. This was his chance. He put the poker back in the fire until it was a bright red. He then took the glowing poker and stuck it in her. He stuck it in the spot where all physical pleasure is found. She now screamed in pain, swearing at him. He quickly grabbed a cloth and gagged her. He pulled out the poker. He then placed the poker in a holder, not in the fire.
Kat ws crying and screaming, though the gag was preventing her from letting out this monstrous noise. He then sat on top of her, straddling her. She was looking at him through tear streaked eyes. The hate in her face was uncanny. Had she not done some of these same tortures to his love? He wanted the score to be even. He now took two thin pieces of metal, like pins, and forced them through her nipples, in one side and out the other. He then hooked this to electricity. He turned the electricity on and watched her squirm. He laughed a deep and happy laugh as she struggled. He then took a small metal tube he had. He shoved it into her so hard that he could have sworn he would have hurt her. She was still making noise, screams and moans of pain. He then took it out and shoved it in the other hole. He shoved it straight into her ass. She screamed with anger and pain. He loosened the bonds tha held her, and stared at her. He had turned off the electricity. He was watching her curl up on this anvil he used. He sat there, smirking at her.
"Wh...wh...why?" she asked.
"Revenge, hurt my love, I hurt you back, but I did it worse..."
With that note, Lucius left the room to her still crying.

January 21st 2004, 08:18:28


Yeah, wow. I'm partially turned on and at the same time feeling very justified. I almost feel sorry for her. Lucius, I'm horny, I'm so going to get you for this *Smirks*.

My lord do me a favor next time. She should still be bonded to the table. Next time put her out of her misery. Thank you for evening the score for me. I wonder when it will be my turn to exact my vengance.

January 31st 2004, 09:10:05
Lucius, where have you gone? Something is terribly wrong. LUCIUS!

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