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February 17th 1982

Day Day!

Added:July 25th 2003, 11:05:49
Series:[ Articles from my website ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Well it came and went. No, not Easter. Think before that. Think more useless than a bunny handing out chocolate. I mean International Woman's Day. You didn't know?! YOU INSENSITIVE PRICK!
Ah fuck it, I can't blame you. There's so many of these damn "Insert random noun here" days that it really doesn't matter anymore.
African-American day! (Or whatever they feel like being called today)
Gay Day!
Hispanic Day!
Woman's Day!
Do A Fat Chick Day!

When the fuck is average straight white man's day? (That wasn't meant to be racist, just fed up with not getting special privileges because I'm not a certain minority.) I'll tell you when. Never. I can totally see why too. We're just so incredibly inundated with special privileges that we couldn't handle any more! Oh fine, I'll stop the sarcasm. Temporarily.

So why exactly do we need International Woman's Day? If you ask the feminists, it's to show support for the women who are beaten and abused. This would be fine and dandy if 99.99% men didn't know that women are not slaves. The .01% that ARE like that are not going to change because of a day.
And fine then. When is average white male day where women realize that we're not stupid toys for them to fuck with. When may we stand up for all the men that are whipped by their women so the man actually gets an opinion? Doesn't exist. Know why? Feminist idiots would call it sexist. Boo-hoo. Hey look, here comes a feminist now!
"Sure, we want equality! We just want to be more equal than you... ASSHOLE! Now fuck off, I'm late for my random bitching appointment because I'm so hard done by that EVERYONE SHOULD PAY!"

Who's to say what's offensive anyway? These people?! I hope not. Just because a few feminist extremists think that something's offensive, does all of society have to change their way of doing things? I don't want mother nature being called mother nature anymore, but rather father nature. I don't want ships to be referred to as female anymore, but rather male. The phrase "she's a good ship" offends me. I don't want liberty to be a lady. Why does it have to be lady liberty? Why do people say "she's beautiful" when referring to cars? Why not he? Who cares? It's just the way things have always been. It's not meant to be offensive, so why doesn't the offended party pull their head out of their ass, and stop pissing and moaning about it.

Most dumbass feminists would read this article and say something like "I pity your small world view." Well sister, I've seen more of the world than you ever would and anyone who thinks they deserve a fucking day because they exist is a lot more deluded than I. And why would you pity me? Because I'm an average schmuck and have now become so oppressed by everyone that's NOT one because they have "the grass is greener" syndrome? Well, in that case you'd be dead on.

The REAL problem with these "causes" is that they don't actually accomplish anything. When was the last time a woman has accredited any of the sixteen different Women's Days to helping her do anything positive? Do abusive husbands see a flyer and just stop hitting their wives? Not bloody likely. Will an anti-gay or anti-black asshole look at a flamboyant festival and throw away his Nazi regalia? Sure he will. Happens all the time, right?

These crusading idiots keep telling me I need to be sorry for things that I don't do. That I have to support them or I'm an enemy. Wait... A phone call.
(On phone) Yes?... Yes... I'll tell them. Attention! There's a Mr. Ass on line 1? Says he needs kissing? He says to use lots of tongue.

These special days are nothing more than arrogant dick-waving contests so the participants can feel better about themselves. Nobody's keeping you down. "The Man" isn't trying to keep you from getting a good job, and (I cannot stress this next part enough) you do not deserve a fucking handout because you were born! Work for it like the rest of us! If there's not as many women making as much as men at a certain career, it's probably because women aren't attracted to the career, not because it's an unjust environment!

You can skew this shit all you want, but the fact is that the only stereotyping going on 99% of the time is by the people trying to defend themselves from things that don't exist. So hey, all you Don Quixotes of the world, grow a fucking brain and realize it!
Save the rainforests! Save the women! Save our way of life! Save me from your bullshit, please.

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