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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

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The Asylum


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June 22nd 1984

3-5-04 Thoughts In Chaos

Type:Diary entry
Added:March 06th 2004, 08:28:58
Series:[ The life and times of Legion ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

The word chaos enters in my mind. Then it becomes my present state of mind. Then it becomes my actions. Then it becomes my surroundings. And finally, I am chaos incarnate.

Did you ever feel that the world saw you as a cyclone, spinning in a swirling rage of debris promising death to those who enter it? In other words, just everyone avoided you at all costs.

Even the people you love.

Today something changed in me. (Speaking of chaos)

My sister, who has a temper tantrum, lost her cool earlier today and when she did, I incured a very violent wrath which has left me scarred, literally.

She wanted to speak with Frank and Mandi, but I wanted to make plans for tonight. Sadly, she wouldn't get off the phone and use her cell. So, in turn, I tried a new solution. I disconnected her. Then, she, like a spark at the end of the fuse, lit up with a fire and ran downstairs and proceeded to cut cords to my telephone connection. Seeing that I wouldn't allow this, I held a few of her CD's hostage as she'd always hold my worldly possesions hostage. As soon as she saw that I was serious she ran after me hitting me repeatedly with a phone. Regretfully, I am over 18, so I couldn't strike back as much as I wanted to. So she ran upstairs in a fury. I thought she had given up and used her cell. Instead she ran to my room with my own sword started to pierce my $400 boots. By the time she was finished, they had 4 holes in them a quarter inch wide each.

So, with that I took 3 of her CD's (one that was a burnt copy) and smashed them into oblivion. I incured about $20 worth of damage while she ran downstairs and tore my computer apart until it was just the mother board left. But, my repair skills exceeded her appitite for destruction.

So, her damage was estimated around $600. My parents, after careful discussion, said I shouldn't of disconnected her even if she did have a cell and we need to learn to work it out.

I was shocked and amazed.

My diluted sense of joy was immediately halted.

Once again the idealistic philosophy that life will not be perfect happened to overcome my better sense of judgement. But, with that I remembered the sour makes the sweet ever so much more enjoyable, allowing us to appreciate it that much more. My friend Ak heard about all this and volunteered to drive down here and give her a personal assbeating. But that was just for the rather irresponsible destruction of my property.

She didn't know what Emily decided to do to me when I tried to take the sword away from her.

But, anyway, my chest has seen better days and I never bled like that since my hand was hit with a nail gun. That is all I have to say.

My friend Dave came over at the aftermath...I forgot to show him a few things, but he saw the remenants of destructiveness...although he totally missed what had been done to the front of the boot...all he saw was the back of it...

Anyway...My parents have decided they WON'T help pay for the damages and won't take it out on her account. And apparently my injury sustained may be large and may look painful as my mother looked away and told me to put my shirt down...but I did it to myself apparently because I had to try and take away MY sword away from her after stabbing MY boots.

Something...something just occured in my mind and I'm starting to get sick of everyone taking all the nice things I have away from me.

Originally, I was going to destroy those two items in protest...but that was me. Its different when someone else does it. Anyway...

Nothing seems to be going my way.

I walked up on top of my roof...then...I fell on my knees and cried. Alone on this Friday night...all alone staring up at the moon with so much jealousy that it has the stars for accompaniment...the stars make the moon seem so if they are surrounding it just to be touched by its outer glow. A dog which was by itself in the back yard howled at it...I jumped down from the roof with a thud and ran to the dog. It looked at me quizically...then it resumed its howling. Its as if he was expressing his own wishing to be with his own pack...his own kind...or to be popular like the moon...

So, I joined likewise...and howled.

The world is still a beautiful place.

July 10th 2004, 09:41:04

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