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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

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June 22nd 1984

Legion, Wolfsbane, and the broadsword

Type:Diary entry
Added:March 17th 2004, 10:35:29
Series:[ A love life now lost ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Dave stood proudly with his damaged broadsword after slamming it into a punching bag several times. It began to break here and there but he kept on bashing it things regardless. I made a comment to him so he turned around and began to swing the broadsword at me. Wolfsbane quickly got in the way of his sword's destine path. He stopped what he was doing and tried again from a different angle. Wolfsbane would not let him through no matter what, still standing in the broadswords path.

For the last week or so...I never understood why I had this frustrating need to continuously give my darling dear advice on her life and the future. Most of the influence stirred from a third party which I mention in another part of the journal...but, I knew the reason why I agreed why it would work (other than the fact I was consistantly bothered until I

Like in that story, I want to stand in front of the broadsword for her. Though she wants no one to do that for her, not even me. I understand that she is trying to take her life back and have a sense of control over it, I just wish I could take the blow for her, hilt up.

Its 4:30AM...and I'm so tired so I do not know if this will make much sense, if any at all but, I have decided the best course of action is to let her take the blows and if she falls and wants to be caught, she'll ask for it...So as far as the latest thing in this juncture of time? I have my own advice for once and I trust no one's but mine (and someone elses) but that is a completely different story...sorta.

Some people stand in front of the broadsword, some people hide from it. Some people find a way to block it.

Its late a day.


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