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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

My texts (61)
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The Asylum


Total kills:

June 22nd 1984


Type:Diary entry
Added:October 15th 2004, 08:53:47
Series:[ The life and times of Legion ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Clutched within my hand...

Too much static-x...Leigh bought me Shadow Zone...first song? Destroy all! Rock on! She also let me borrow her deicide CD...I'm not heavily into them but the guitar alone makes it worth while.

First off...some funny stuff...then some serious stuff...some stuff which has been severely bugging my very calm, laid back self which in turn will probably effect the masses around me...eventually...

(also borrowed)
I watched the debates again...Kerry had the warmth of a snowpea and Bush had this look on his face like Cheney was going to come out and give him a treat for all the right answers he got. Kerry looked stern, very serious, and Bush looked very giddy...a Prozacâ„¢ Before and After commercial. Bush argued that if we had searched the place before the sanction we'd have found the weapons of mass now we are into pre-crime...Rumsfeld following the ball...who did it!

Alot of issues...finding out George W. was in the same National Guard Unit as bigfoot..."I've seen him!" Come on George...time to join the unit...*Sips his beer*.."Right after this one!"

Also concerned about the fact they can't capture Osama bin Ladin when he keeps making all these travel videos..a 6'6 foot arab on dialysis...not hard to find...

Then there was also the subject of Arnold Swartzenneger...all the old germans from WWII are saying..."See, its so easy! You don't need to invade, no troops, no heavy artilery...just someone who quotes alot of movies!" Strange...

Lastly...the issue of gay marriage....but they prefer to call it same sex marriage...which gets kinda tedious cuz its like a divorce with a hetro couple..."ITS ALWAYS THE "SAME" SEX AFTER ONE OR TWO!" *smirks* Others call it a union...but then the union people gets insulted..."Hey, its not in the contract!" Pipefitters number 512..."HEY MAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOIN'?" "I'm fitting a pipe!"

But some seriousness...Bless Robin Williams...heh...

Today I was practicing with Lydia, my new kung fu instructor...sorta my own personal trainer. She kicked my ass at a tournment long ago...well, Carrie had come back into my life and found out she knew her! What a small world! Well, when we first met up a quick rematch ensued...and she was able to block my punch with the mere slap of her palm...taught me the move later on...but...anyway...I went well due other than the fact she hit me right on a bruise from fencing...but the highlight of the moment was my new move: Finally perfected. She grabbed me by the neck and I flipped over onto her shoulders and knocked her down...a simple spring of the legs...and cuz she held me oh so tightly...I was able to go from one place to was good times. But...I'm fucking sore as hell from it...guess I'll be changing my "Does your back hurt" answer soon...

The pain eased up a tad when Carrie and I had finally met after that...she picked me up...went to the mall...SHOPPING YAY!...Smoked together...for the first time in like a year...then introduced me to Marbrlos 27's...My friend Shiro and I keep promising we'll quit...then we do...then all the sudden we start up again...its pretty fucking kept saying "Hun, you keep saying "fucking" after every sentence but your laughing...wait a second...*she begins to laugh too*..." she just had caught on...

Well...I now have rights to the new car since my sister was in a drunken rage and assaulted a police officer...and is still driving...this gave me the kudos to take over. Now some opportunities have presented itself to make my life a lil bit easier and just really take it easy. Some of which has done this very night.

It seems like I can capitalize on peoples' idiocy...which is probably the best tactic I've ever used. I always felt bad for the human race...for I never really thought I'd just go out...and publically embarrass anyone for that matter or use past mistakes for my own profit. But, this is a prime example that part of life is leverage. My darling sister has been the triumphant but humble beginnings.

On another note...what has been bugging me.

Growing up is easy right? It just happens? Wrong. Its so fucking unbelievable how some people never grow up. I thought by being laid back and relaxed...letting things not bug me...a small partion of it might inspire others to chill as well. holding on to this grudge like a deathgrip, slowly pushing the air out of a breathing being. I'm refering to specifically my sister and her bf. Mostly her bf...she's been defending me lately against him...and he hasn't tried anything stupid lately...but he still won't give up that he cannot beat me. Reminds me of a quote which I'm about to edit.."Emily found God, and Frank found out it wasn't him."

Hate consumes you, I should know. I've let it consume me for awhile now...and just recently I just said..."Its pointless to just hold grudges and be pissed at everyone. Shit happens...let it go." I just can't understand why he can't. If he did...I would approve of my sister dating him...but oh no...he has to go hit her when he's mad...break her stuff...then I can't get involved cuz its between them...but yet I'm asked to show sympathy. I least I can say nice stuff about the takes a big man to say anything nice about your enemy...especially after something cruel has been done...and you know what? People have hurt me...and I understand it...but I can still see their good points. Frank is a hardworking guy sometimes and really has alot of determination...when he's not hating humanity or trying to insult people for their race...he's a nice guy. I remember when I was dating an old ex of mine months and months ago...he used to call her, "The butch dyke who needs to die" and as much as I didn't like it...I did not let it take me over...still he makes fun of her...and now pokes fun at my present gf...and all I can say is..."Whatever man." If he thinks he's cool cuz he can hurt feelings and be cruel...then obviously...that is his problem...not mine.

But the thing that bugs me the most was he had to bring it into a place that I feel safe at...home. You can say all the mean things and cause me all the problems in the world...but do not bring it into my home or into a safehaven of mine cuz I would not do the same back. All I have to say about Frank is what I always had...Don't fuck with us and we won't fuck with you...and have some damn integrity. I think lip service put it best...heh...

*sigh*...I keep wishing him and her the best...that they'dbe happy...but I cannot fathom why I still care or wish the best for anyone who wishes me harm. Maybe I'm just stupid.

But...I'm not worried...they are forgetting one very important thing mate...I'm captain jack sparrow!...or least I look like him now with this johnny depp thing going on for halloween...

Heck its either that or Marilyn Manson

An immitation love songs stuck in my head...killin' us away...DO YOU LOVE YOUR GUNS! YEAH! GOD! YEAH!! *thinks of HQ:1*


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