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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

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June 22nd 1984

Pilgrim HS Football

Type:Diary entry
Added:October 18th 2004, 06:30:43
Series:[ The life and times of Legion ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

What irony

Tonight I played football with a massive amounts of guys at Pilgrim High School and it was totally bad ass...20 guys all the jock types which I thought would hate me, some seniors at the school, some graduated a year or so long coat or severely long all black...just a bit of facial hair and normal clothing which I have adopted over the last couple of weeks...and all of them accepted me. My friend Chris invited me to the meet...I made many friends...Kyle, Mike, Nelson (which I called Fred Durst's stunt double, later on I made a comment which put the team in stitches "AND HERE COMES THE REST OF LIMP BIZKIT!"), Eric, (who was wicked bad ass, ironic that we knew alot of the same people too)

All of them introduced themselves, even invited me to go to McDonalds was just gf and friends watched me in the distance and finally decided to join...Leigh took me aside and said, "If I didn't love you...damn you are so lucky that I do, cuz no other girl would wait for their boyfriend in the cold for as long as I did." She had made a valid point...I really don't know of any that would have...but she was happy because Tim had told her how I was worried about her, which was very true...I even left the game early so she could get warm...but...the game ended at that moment, lol...more or less because Nelson kept picking fights...

Afterwards, Tim told me to drive down to the baseball/basketball field thing...right near my friend, Shiro's place...then he told me to take a left down funny! He knew who she was...a next door neighbor nearly...he pointed his house which wasn't far at all...showed me around his old neighborhood...a small wooded area with an ancient graveyard...this wooded area at the end of Milton...which he said I should avoid for one reason or another...but he never specified what...Now I'm wondering what is down there...I might just take a peek out of sheer curosity...

He introduced me to a few of his friends that live in the area...all of them very kind, saying that if I ever needed anything, just ask. Heh...I've always relied on the kindness of strangers...

Its just so amazing ounce of apperance is worth a pound in performance...dress a lil differently...don't talk about vampirism, hentai, etc...and the world loves you...but yet I got to be myself in my hyperest of forms...and people are cool with ruled.


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