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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

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The Asylum


Total kills:

June 22nd 1984

Feeling Obsolete...

Type:Diary entry
Added:October 22nd 2004, 06:08:15
Series:[ The life and times of Legion ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

There used to be a time...

There used to be a time where I was Legion, the guy people were messaging like crazy to find out what was next on "Inflicton" and when people were asking what was my new hairbrained scheme.

There was also a time people took me seriously too. Now I feel like I annoy most of everyone...even the guy who started the whole thing.

I still get messages alot wondering whats I am...I feel loved from time to time...but I am starting to think I'm obsolete...not required to PHQ anymore which has been a solom sanctuary for me.

Eh, maybe I'm just down due to the fact I heard my buddy Tim might go back to prison tomorrow...*plays the rap song 'locked up'* and the only thing keeping me steady is the fact I'm watching Samurai Kyo tomorrow...

That and I nearly got into a fight until a crazy stunt of mine drove the potential hostiles away. But, details bout that elsewhere. Once again, the old saying..."To avoid a fight is the best way." works.

*sigh*...I'd give up all hope on people taking me seriously...but in about two weeks I head out to a concert to announce Infliction (the community center for troubled kids, not the labrynith of traps) to about 700 people at a concert which my friend is opening for...I get about 5 minutes on the floor and I get to say whatever I want about it. I also finally started to film the movie...I decided to write the script as I go along its not like progress ain't happenin'...

Eh...once again I think this whole entire thing is just me being upset about Tim and coming out in other forms but, who knows...


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