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The White Wolf
The White Wolf

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Added:October 28th 2004, 11:45:41
Series:[ Endless Blue Moon ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

I sometimes think.... do I have 2 people in my body?.....

Because I always regret....

I'm here, lying on a bed
Everything is dark
No one is here, just me and this bed
My ears are wet from tears, and my eyes are red
I look up, but there's nothing to be seen
I look down but there's no floor
I look on the sides, and there's no wall
I'm floating and wandering
inside this realm, a realm without a name
A realm that never existed, and never been found
I sing a song, a song of sorrow
A silent song that no one heard,
A song that's always here inside my thoughts
I'm tired of waiting for no one,
tired of thinking , too tired to ly down.
I always wanna reach out, but I can't .
I'm haunted by these nightmares, and I can't sleep so sound.
I never imagined there's something more,
Someone else to hear my voice,
Someone who would dare see me shine, or somewhere else I could find,
I'm all out of hope, and out of trust.
They see me like a sun, but I'm broke inside.
I'm trapped in this place, a place where there's tomorrow or today,
but only yesterday.
I tried to leave, and tried to scream
but it seems no one heard me.
The sheets are wet from my tears.
I don't hear my voice, nor the sound of my tears falling,
I can't hear my heartbeat, or the laughter I used to hear.
I hear so many voices that are hard to forget, memories that keeped
returning back to my head.
I can't hold on, I'm waiting for my time,
I'm trapped in a life that has become death
I'm trapped in the cold dark and deserted realm.
I can't escape and can't have what used to be mine,
All that I have is memories that never leaved me behind,
and the voices and nightmares that haunts me everytime.

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