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Surcease of Sorrow; No Tomorrow
Surcease of Sorrow; No Tomorrow

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September 25th 1985

a poor time of it

Added:December 26th 2005, 18:46:29
Rating:Not rated yet.


all of this is what happened to my eyes.

the boy loves to learn, he loves to go to school and know more. he wants to go to outerspace. that ' s why he ' s in the car to the spaceship, with his friends. he wants to go to outerspace. the guy sitting in the back (with nicely trimmed ear length hair, but a week's roughness on the cheeks) taps the woman in the passanger seat. "Fine," she sighs. He grins, and tells us that we ' re not going to outerspace. "We kidnapped you," the woman, who is tired, snaps at them. They ' re driving along on a bridge. The kids are in the back of the jeep, and the back breaks off and skids along the ground, the boy and his friends improbably keeping on it. The jeep starts to swerve with the shock of the driver. the train tracks on the one side of the makes a whine, warning that it has stopping power and that they did not. The guy in the back reaches out and firmly holds the two into the front seats, for they were trying to flee the car. He ' s not smiling. He is solomn, he is judging the other two, he is noble. The train crushes his face. the right side of his face is missing, the rest deformed and looks like it never was a real person,

it looks like a mannequin. I wake up, it ' s 5am. I spin, I worry, I close my eyes. It ' s 5.40. It takes 2 hours for it to turn 8.15. My brother tells me that it ' s time to wake up, it ' s christmas. We open presents. I want to watch nightmare before christmas. dad says, your brother should not see it yet. We sit. I suggest we watch a short movie on the same disc. my sister agrees, i sit and wait for everyone to settle. i put the movie in, start it up. a few minutes in, I ' m shocked. It ' s my dad, yelling "Stop the movie, didn ' t I say not to show that movie?" He ' s yelling so loudly I jumped. He keeps on yelling, and my sister retorts. I go to my room, and read Waiting For Godot. "For reasons unknown heretofore tennis of all kinds in a word the works on Cunard and" my dad is talking to my mom. His feelings are deeply hurt. He feels like we don ' t respect his decisions. We all return to the room with the gifts sitting like rotting meat. "After I told ... don ' t respect ... I said ... the movie I said ... behind my back ...". My sister carried our half, "Not the same movie ... for kids ... we explained but you ... yelling suddenly ... wrong" they said the same things to each other, about four times. Then, "sometimes i feel like mom says, that we only exist to buy you guys things". at this point my jaw drops.

Even mom couldn ' t make it both their fault, which is family custom. Dad began to slow down. He said he was sorry, (sister says she ' s sorry for misunderstanding, which mom tried for us all to admit. i said nothing.) then he said he was wrong. Then he started crying. Sister hugged him, and he started sobbing. Mom was nervous, made a joke. He said he didn ' t know why he was crying. Then he shook from the sobs. Mom laughed, without smiling. We all gave him a hug. He stopped, later. He was about to make scrambled eggs, but he dropped all the eggs, and took some ibuprofin with cocacola.

we cleaned the eggs and had pancakes. we joked at the table, we were a normal family. dad helped my brother put his new computer together, motherboard, case, processor all together, missing a video card. "you ' re on your own for that," he said when he realised. he had forgotten that.

i read 'the stranger', also had ibuprofin. for my joints, they were sore this morning more than usual. went to my grandmas house, had very little food, and drove back. i was listening to music. they made me stop to point out a house with dozens of inflatables. it thought it was stupid and they thought it was cool. I nastily said, "someone decided they didn ' t need their retirement money." They hadn ' t been laughing out loud for a while, but that was when it actually stopped. A pause, "How much do those cost?" mom asks. I feel better, and turn the music on again. the cars coming the other way were far too close for comfort. though, we didn ' t crash, and i didn ' t flinch.

later i pretend to know anything. and i watch nightmare before christmas, with my sister, in the basement. then, finally, i go to sleep.

nick is driving, jon and i are in the car. we ' re driving from my previous dream that night, where i had stolen some pennies. we notice a ramp, down the increasingly rural path we chose, and assume it ' s the first half of a bridge over the lake. it ' s just the fencedoor, held at a ramplike angle.we flyup, and see only the lake. it ' s not that big, but rather deep. Terrifying. I open the door and leap out, to grab a pole sticking out of the water. Spinning about, I hop down onto beach, and only get from the top of my socks down wet.

Of anyone else there is no sign. The car went into the water, gone. I hurry to the little building around the water a turn. through the doors, a 10 foot corridor to the same doors again. behind this people deliberating. one of them, ghostlike black man, and nods to me. He is standing by a living black man, who explains to me that he is going to get only what the ghost owned, for the burial. I spin around and through the wall pass, into the water, where i seem to have missed some bit of time, for there he is, pulling out a few oddbits from yet another car in the water. there are odd stone balls, in the base of the car. he leaves then, i pick them up.

i knew he wasn ' t supposed to take them, i thought i could do as i liked. i take them up, two the size of a fist, another about 3 pounds heavier. i take them to the beach. they then split into two, and flying out, judgement is called. the three children of the man who had swum down, have a peice the size of the halves removed from their head. they ' re floating in the water, when i look down there. i feel really, awful. in the building, which is dirty and awful, i become real, gain a body again. standing there, all the people in there from before, about 5, are waiting for the wrath of the spirits for what i had done. then, for a few seconds, all i can see are people with skin melted, with muscle and tissue missing, still barely alive, twitching. i recoil. someone is on the phone, says "oh. i see." she is looking at me. her eyes wide under her long black hair, i wonder how much they said. only that i was seeing visions, seeing the future. i ' m sobbing. i look to the small windows in the doors,

there in the window of the outer door is a rotting person, hair over the face, standing so you can see only half. i shout and pound on the inner door window, which does not move the door. we ' re stuck inside. she puts her hand up, and drags her face along the window, smearing it and suddenly, becoming just a pattern in mud covering the glass. the others want to know what i am seeing. crying uncontrollably, i turn to them and put my hands over my head, and try to scream, imitating it to them, because i cannot speak. the spasming tears breaking my attempts up, into something

pathetic. i open my eyes, and do not move for a few minutes, shaking against my pillow when i hear footsteps outside my door. i close my eyes and wait for them to stop. i expect to see dead people as i get up, and go downstairs. i am shaking as i close a door and look behind it, december26th.

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