Personal Halfquake
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A Light Long Gone [Limited Edition]
My fourth solo album from 2019; thirteen dark chill tracks, haunting vocals, thrilling collaborations. Featuring bespoke art by Irene Muñoz, displayed in a transparent jewel case.
US$ 14.49 + Shipping and Handling
Antaran's Journal
Follow the life of Antaran Sivand for 62 days, starting off with the day he is thrown into prison for no apparent reason. What you can expect: a medieval setting, sword fights, conspiracy, violence, and a princess! No dragons. Yet.
US$ 12.49 + Shipping and Handling
Virtual Pet
Dead Pixel Pet
Ever wanted a dead pixel as a pet? Your dreams are now (virtual) reality! Once purchased, your dead pixel pet will be shipped to your PHQ institute! It doesn't need constant attention (because it's dead), and it challenges you to move your mouse over it for its current status! Best part: You can own more than one dead pixel pet! They aren't jealous!
US$ 3.20 + Shipping and Handling
Halfquake Sunrise T-Shirt
The third part of the Halfquake series has risen, now it's time to show others the light! Engulf onlookers with the rays of sadism, spawning from the black cloth on your chest! Laugh in their faces while they get burned to ashes! Light your cigarette with the fiery beams! Okay, the last one was a joke.
US$ 29.90 + Shipping and Handling
Keratordash - Desound
Pinkerator and Muddasheep (Keratordash) joined forces to create Desound, a wildly experimental electronic bitcrushstorm containing so many distorted synths your ear drums will explode (this is a good thing - at first). Buy it on Bandcamp for a dollar or more. (Includes free wallpaper via email.)
Get it!US$ 1.00
Meadow Mayhem
The first album by Taskless Sheep, featuring 19 tracks, packaged in a transparent jewel case, complete with a 16-page booklet and a brand new CD picture. It's also wrapped in shiny plastic!
US$ 13.49 + Shipping and Handling
Absolutely Nothing
As the official website says, if you want to quit consumerism, this is your item of choice! Nothing at a price of a mere five bucks is the deal of the universe (which ironically is full of nothing)! Once you bought nothing, you will get an invoice saying how much of nothing you've acquired. Nothing's very valuable these days, because everybody has got something!
US$ 3.20 + Shipping and Handling
Rotten Melody
The final album by Taskless Sheep, featuring all 13 tracks, coming to you in a gloomy black jewel case, complete with a high quality 16-page booklet and more shiny plastic wrapped around it.
US$ 13.49 + Shipping and Handling
Signed Edition
Walter's Deal [Signed Edition]
In the early nineties, a scientist invents a device that lets people instantly travel from one place to another. Along comes a salesman, who tries to bring the technology to the world, regardless of what it takes. The book comes signed and wrapped in fancy indigo silk paper!
US$ 24.49 + Shipping and Handling
Signed Edition
grandscapism [Grand Connoisseur Edition]
Nine songs composed for and played on a grand piano. Arrives in the form of an USB stick that looks like an array of piano keys, flawlessly and carefully saved as WAV/FLAC files. One surface of the stick gets signed with a marker that hopefully is permanent.

Only 3 left in stock.
US$ 24.49 + Shipping and Handling
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