Personal Halfquake
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By muddasheep, March 11th 2006, 00:26:19

Dear sadists,

yet another update.

- Contract Sellers now get 50% for sold NPC contracts, instead of 20%.

- Life Cell costs for Chosen Victims have been decreased.

- Added overviews for fixcosts and catches/kills of traps and contracts to "Manage Contracts" and "Manage Traps" (thanks to Hollow).

- Added a new message code: supersizeme.

- Moved Personal Links into a seperate category in the main menu.

Concerning the latest poll, to those who didn't vote for "Gothazod's awesome gift to humankind": I'd like you to send me a message with things you dislike and things you would change in PHQ, as well as other suggestions/complaints you might have. Thank you in advance.

And to all, thanks for reading.


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