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A new crafting system ?
By Khimitsu, May 27th 2006, 00:37:38

Hiya, fellow sadists and sadistresses !

We'd like to hear your opinion on this one. First let me explain the whole thing :

There may be too much randomness in the current trap crafting system. Failing 5 times in a row only to end up with a bad trap can be disgusting at times.
A possible change would be to give the option to TCs to set up the durability and average kills of a trap, and the difficulty to craft that trap will change accordingly (the higher the kills/durability, the higher the difficulty). Moreover, the difficulty would be affected by the trap crafting skill, and the trap crafting level.
Therefore you'd end up with the trap you'd like, with more or less crafting attempts, and not with a random durability/kills one.
And of course, the price (and fixcosts ?) would be based on those, so the lower the durability/kills, the lower the sell price.

Something could be added to this : CSs could be given the change to set up a buying priority : durability or kills. At the present day, the selling priority is only based on the durability of a trap, for instance.

Since we can't decide wether or not to implement this new system, we'd like to hear what you think about it. You're much welcome to vote in the new poll and/or express your opinion here ;).


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