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Draversi Tournament
By muddasheep, January 27th 2007, 20:36:24

Dear readers,

February's event (who said there were monthly events?!) is the Draversi Tournament! What's that all about you ask?

Well, every player who wants to enter just say so in the comments or send me a message. Then all participants play against each other in 1vs1 matches until one winner remains. And speaking of 'remains':

The winner gets random drawings and a CD with my music album 'Remains' on it (in high quality) sent in a package, and a 'King of Draversi' badge for his/her profile.

The games will be created by me, so you only need to be here for playing, and watching the tournament chart (which will be up when the tournament starts). I'll get the tournament going on February 5th. If by that time we have not found at least 16 participants, I'll wait until we do.

Note: When a player hasn't played his/her turn for more than one day, he/she will lose.

Thanks for reading and I hope we can get at least a few people to join the tournament. (:

Have a nice day!


------[ Participants 16/16]------

- Loony99
- CellarDoor
- Kowi
- Khimitsu
- Spam
- TheNameless
- psychomessiahs
- Steltie
- LordAsriel
- vampire1402
- ArseTroll
- Ally
- Scaleskin
- H4ndy
- Funnycreature
- All

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