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By muddasheep, May 10th 2004, 21:30:44

Deaaaaaar skywalkers,

I'm glad to announce the 4th PHQ T-SHIRT CONTEST! This time we'd like to see your rooms. YES! That's right! Where do you live? How does your "Cave Of Virtual Life" look like? You can also send more than one picture of course, using different angles and what not. Be creative!

I've got a small example from gamer_7601 here:
(this is actually not a submission)

Send your submissions to and look forward to holding one of our prices in your hands! Prices? Well, if you win you'll be able to choose one of our t-shirts in our shop (go to Help -> Shop) and additionally you'll get a free Fan-CD (containing all ms songs, various behind the scenes bullshit from halfquake, including NEW Halfquake Sunrise material!).

The deadline of the submissions is 1st July 2004. People who already own a tshirt can't win anymore (to be fair).

Conditions? Well, you shouldn't create pictures with a greater resolution than 800x600 I'd say, and not more than 5 pictures in total. Also please send only JPG-files! You or your friends can be on the picture, but actually we're more interested in your rooms. (;

Be creative and have fun.


View Comments (10) Search

May 10th 2004, 22:46:27
EAArrmm... Yes. That's cool.. Now that I have an idea.. One of my... friends has a digital camera that can take photos.. That's a good opportunity to try it! But I have to ask first, something that shouldn't be easy. Hey ms, who will win? The guy whose chamber is "perfect"? Hehe mine is, .. almost: NO pc. Ok so it isn't. Hehe. I mean Sigh. No pc. Damn. Anywayz I've got UT2004, and that rocks. Now, why am I talking about this?
Damn I'm such a mouth.. Erm I mean finger. Bye.
May 10th 2004, 23:04:50
I dunno, it's got to be a .. weird room, maybe dark room, or funny room .. it depends you know? ^^
May 10th 2004, 23:08:59
DAM and my rooms boring as hell, can i just have a CD with ur songs on anyways? =D
May 10th 2004, 23:10:41
maybe if you send pictures of your room (;
May 11th 2004, 00:12:34
I'm going to win I'm going to win... with ease... hehe
*reading again*
can'T win anymore? cause I bought a t-shirt? that should be "fair" ??? WTF

Is it really that I can't win or is it only that people who already won can't win anymore??
May 11th 2004, 07:25:06
lol...maybe u could win, but u most likely wouldnt get anything since u already have it, so...I guess it would be send to the 2nd place then..:P
May 11th 2004, 18:56:03
Can i buy ur CD then?
May 11th 2004, 21:45:13
Damn...I'll have to fix up my room a bit... only problem is my Cat...he refuses to LEAVE MY'll probably get included in the room has been "under my construction for some time". Heh. Sounds cool though...
May 12th 2004, 08:28:51
I wanted to do this a long time a hl-map. Fucking disease of lazyness. Now I have to get a cam, in school they don't give them out anymore because one fuckhead stole one...probably.
May 14th 2004, 19:55:28
error 404: Datei nicht gefunden!
Das angegebene Dokument konnte auf diesem Server leider nicht gefunden werden - The Links to the pictures

A picture of my room? Well...might as well get a nuclear blast test site...or an armory...either will work just as well. Sounds like a cool idea regardless.

Heh, why not give it a shot...just have to do some cleaning...(only some) and actually make the bed (which never gets made).

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