Personal Halfquake
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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

My texts (61)
My series (4)


The Asylum


Total kills:

June 22nd 1984


Name: Rick"Legion" A

Age (Birthdate): 19

Location: RI, USA

Ethnicity: Scottish, French, Irish, English, Native American

Female or male? Debatable

Siblings: One little sister...She lacks any brain cells, fried from too much Marijuana

Favorite color: Red, black, Silver, Green

Favourite movies: The Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, The Hulk, American History X, LOTR Series, Natural Born Killers, Cube...

Favourite musicians: Otep, Murderdolls, System of a Down, KoRn, Gilbert and Sullivan, Slipknot, Static-X, Disturbed, and Kittie

Favorite songs:

Favorite books:

Is the glass half empty or half full? BREAK THE GLASS BREAK THE GLASS...No wait...lets $ell the gla$$!

Is America too full of itself? Damn straight it is! Course I'll let the wind out of their sails...

Favorite animals: Tigers, Panthers, Wolves

Loner or social type? Loner for the most part...

Part of any cliques? The Infliction clique

Drug use? I quit em all...

Boyfriend/Girlfriend? My gf Amy, she is everything to me and I love her more than anything in this world and every realm...

Are you insane? Most likely....

Worst fears: Her....

Life goal: To be The Antichrist.

Greatest moment in history:

Worst moment in history:

Religion: No religion and at the same time Angel Wicca...weird huh?

Career goals: Professional Sadist

Do you believe in fate? yes indeedy...

Is the world a great place? Only cuz of my love of my life...

Favorite quote:...I can't remember it...

What brought you here?

What would you do to change the world if you could? Make things equal for all of us...

The thing you hate most about the world:

The things you like most about the world:

Total Personal Pages: 227 - Total series: 116 - Total texts: 875
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