PHQ-Nickname: Hagbard_Celine
Halfquake: MindHack
Level: 97
Total kills: 38,709,787
Birthday: 00th 0000
Favourite musicians: Muddasheep of course NIN,SOAD,Prodigy,Nirvana,Fugazi,RATM,RHCP
Is the glass half empty or half full? The glass is full empty. What?
Is America too full of itself? What a question. Hell yes!
Loner or social type? Somewhat between
Are you insane? I should hand that question right back at you
Worst fears: Completely losing my mind
Life goal: Being full-time musician
Religion: Church of the floppy disk
Career goals: see life goals
Do you believe in fate? not sure
Is the world a great place?With the right people around you it is
Favorite quote:Wuuuuuuzaaaaa
What brought you here? I was looking for HL-mods
What would you do to change the world if you could?kil all facists on this planet
The things you hate most about the world: Ignorant or intolerant people
The things you like most about the world: There are so many peaceful individuals on it (exept humans) | |