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February 17th 1982

Minding Your Own Damn Business

Added:July 25th 2003, 10:52:58
Series:[ Articles from my website ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Humans piss me off. Why? Read the title. Why the hell do you think? Why do certain organizations (Religious or otherwise) believe that they can tell everyone else what to do? Just because something isn't the way they want it to be, they have to go out and "crusade" to get our rights taken away. Just because you don't like it or don't want to do it, doesn't mean you should ruin it for the rest of us. Certain groups piss me off more than others.

Take PETA for example. It stands for People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals. Not too bad, right? Fuck off. They are some of the biggest assholes out there. You have to see some of the stupid shit they do. Want examples of their retarded ideas? The Commando Chicks. (Not called that because they don't wear underwear, I checked) Basically they go around to grocery stores dressed as chickens, put stickers on the meat, and tell people they'll die if they eat it. Oookay. How about The Lettuce Ladies? They're trying to convince people to be vegan by wearing lettuce on their boobs. HUH?! Anyway, PETA is trying to stop people from doing anything dealing with animals. On their many sites they slander milk manufacturing plants, meat, and anything dealing with those things. They lie, protest and are just a general pain in the ass for everybody. I mean, It's hard to take a group seriously that suggests drinking beer instead of milk. People want to eat meat. You don't. Mind your own goddamn business.

Any religious groups that use fearmongering ("YOU'RE GONNA GO TO HELL!") or violence to control people should all just be fucking gone. Hey assholes? If God wanted people to be in your little flock of sheep, he would've damn well done it himself. Let your God do what he wants, don't you try to interpret what God wants. If there is a God, you're a dipshit human like all the rest and will never EVER understand what he wants anyway. Don't try. Mind your own goddamn business.

KKK? A hearty fuck you to you guys. I may be an average schmuck middle class white guy, but I still believe all people are equal except those that think they're better. You're not better than anyone you nazi dipshits. Oh, and your webpage is laughable, it looks like a grade 4 student made it. (No, I 'm not linking to it) Mind your own goddamn business.

Americans. This just pisses me off because I'm Canadian and have gotten to see their arrogance personally when I was living in Cincinnati. YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID!!! Your country is run by the village idiot and ex-cokehead! Your school system is last place in the civilized world! Your military never does very well in wargames! What the hell gives you the right to be cocky?! I'll tell you.... Most of you are too fucking stupid to know you're a joke to the rest of the world! Now, I know I have Americans reading this page, and some are okay. If you:

A) Know that Canadians don't live in igloos (I've never even seen a damn igloo)

B) Know you lost the Vietnam war badly and have also lost a war to Canada where we burned the white house to the ground

C) Know your school system makes your children into complete idiots

and D) Did not vote for Bush

Then, and only then, you may be okay. The rest of you? Mind your own goddamn business.

March 20th 2004, 10:58:07
tbh people have been serviving on meat and animal products for aeons and i think that nothing really bad happened to them and look at the animal kingdom - even animals eat animals i mean just because we have this alternative [usually more expensive] vegitarian food does it mean we should go against our NATURAL instincts? you think your protecting nature? you think your protecting animals? in fact if noone ate meat in human civiliseation hundreds of animals would proberbly die from overcrowding in 100 years. if the preditor stops eating prey - prey will keep growing. we have entered into this food chain and now we are stuck in it because of the way the human race is so big now.

also people who want to free domesticated animals will proberbly be killing them because of the way they have been breed for meat and not speed to dodge natural predators - most domesticated animals dont actually know how to servive anymore [and frankly nither do most humans] just saying "eating animals is wrong" is nothing without evidence to back it up and at least an ecologically exceptable reason.[/rant]

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