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Seth Galaxy Corp.


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November 20th 1986

Brave Sailor

Added:September 01st 2007, 02:21:32
Rating:Not rated yet.

WTF it's 2 am and I'm writing something like that... Maybe it's what I feel right now?

There once was a brave man called Dave. Everyone liked him because he was nice to everyone and this means really to everyone whereever they liked it or not. So there was only a small amout of towns people that didn't like his smile and how nice he was but they beared with it. Dave lead something that most people would call a nice, quite, comfortable live. He didn't care for the fact that he didn't had a Girlfriend oder wife neither did he feel like it would be great to have kids. Still he though that something was missing.

At one Day in the Summer his employer decided that the whole company (just about a dozen of people) should have a fine day by having a little boat trip. At that day Dave knew what he was missing it was the freedom and peacefullnes of the sea. After a couple of months he strated to take boat trips on a regular basis and some years later, as his current job was getting really boring, he decided to change jobs and become a real Sailor.

It was hard for him to change from his office job to such a rough job like a sailor but he made it somehow. He wasn't a genuis or something he was just average as he always has been and he still was kind to anyone. After he became a real sailor he decided to get a boat for himself and do some fisihing to make a living. Things didn't trun out that great from that point on as it was hard for him to find the fish. Still he was happy as he enjoyed sailing and fishing so much. He never thought about changing jobs again.

Then at an early morning in the winter he set his sail one last time. He didn't know it was supposed to be his last time but it was. Everything was fine in the morning the weather was clear though it was bit cold for a winter day. Still he needed to get out to get some fish to pay for a few bills. He spend the whole day out on the sea and didn't caught a thing and because he was so concentreated on fishing he didn't noticed that the weather changed an the freezing wind began to blow and a storm set his sail to get to him. This was the last failure he every made as the storm turned over his boat and he simply died in the freezing wind after he manged to get on his boat again.

Noone in his Hometown nor his harbor ever noticed he was gone just sometimes the people talked about a guy who was always kind to anyone and that it was a sad thing he moved away...

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