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February 17th 1982

The Day The Music Died

Added:July 25th 2003, 10:56:05
Series:[ Articles from my website ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

I remember when music was good. Anyone else? Think back. Back before Britney Spears, Christina Aguiguiguolerro (Or something), and Jessica Simpson. I remember when you could turn on the radio and hear Bush, Green Day (Before they turned into Bob Dylan), or something else decent. Well, as long as it was old people friendly... Don't get me wrong here, the radio in Medicine Hat has and will always suck a giant bowl of dicks, but it used to be listenable 25% of the time. Recently, I'm lucky if I hear one good song before I shut off the radio in complete disgust. Now, anyone that knows me can tell you how obsessed I am with music. I frequently go on downloading sprees and try to find good bands I've never heard before. My favorite bands are a great mix of musical styles because I think it's stupid to limit your tastes. I love Blink 182, Goldfinger, Insane Clown Posse, Collective Soul, and of course all of the splendor that is Nine Inch Nails.

I've got all kinds of punk, rap, pop, rock, alternative and industrial. I like all music as long as it's musical. That leads me to my main problem with most of the pathetic shit passed for pop today. It's not well written, it's not well put together, it's not thought out, and it's NOT music.

Don't think so? Well good for you, you go listen to Destiny's Child, Tupac, Easy E, and Mandy Moore. Some of us enjoy talent in our bands. Oh, sorry. If you listen to them, you probably don't know what talent is. Silly me, let me explain. It's when someone doesn't have to suck dick to get a record deal.
It's when they don't have elaborate dance routines on stage. Why not? Cause they're busy playing the fucking music and singing instead of lip synching and flailing around like an epileptic 5 year old.
Talent is when they write, sing, and mix their own music.
It's when they actually give a shit about what they're doing, not how their hair looks. Hell, they don't even have to do all that if it's any good in the end! The problem is that today's music isn't any good. Sure, you still see small showings from the good bands, but the crap just seems to shine right on through. (Well, if crap could shine)

Before you call me biased, let me tell you that I even give albums a chance that I can tell are going to lick balls in advance. I even listened to total shit like the second Britney Spears CD. It was ass in it's purest form, but I still gave it a chance.

Here's why certain bands should be bludgeoned repeatedly about the face and neck:

Limp Bizkit: I have 2 of their CD's, but Fred Durst is a pissy bitch. The only reason I don't disinfect my CD case and burn the CD's is because of the kickass guitarist and DJ Lethal. Without them, it's just Fred Durst with his whiny mid-puberty voice saying fuck a whole lot. I'm beginning to wonder if the guy even knows any more words at all.
Destiny's Child: Uhhh, you're singing over rap beats. Bad rap beats. Didn't we get enough "girl power" with the Spice Girls? At least they stayed the hell in England and didn't annoy me from over here. How can you expect to be taken seriously when you follow every trend in the pop book? Can you fucking innovate a little?
Britney Spears: Wow, she can sing too? Too bad nobody likes you for the music. Virgin my ass, she's seen more shaft than an elevator. If her and Justin Timberlake ever have a child, I'm going into the fetal postion for a week. That's a disgusting, unholy union.
Eminem: You're white! Oh, and it's not cool to be an asshole. Why do bad things happen? Cause some people "Just don't give a fuck." People like you are what's wrong with the world today.
Maya, Pink, 'Lil Kim, Christina Aguigaga... Fuck it: Hey guys, old song remakes are supposed to be good. Just letting you know. 'Lil Kim? You fuck everything that moves, we get it. You don't have to sing about it in every song. Hey Pink, it's Timex calling. Your 15 minutes are up. Go away.
Dee J Z Easy Snoop Doggy DreMX: "I got money, I got bitches, I got weed. Look at my car, I'm tough! Fuck all you haytaz!" Look, I just wrote every song on your next album. Goddammit, why is it cool to misspell shit now? Just because you dropped out of school when you were 2, doesn't mean you get the right to re-invent the English language! Shizzle my nizzle? STOP MAKING UP FUCKING WORDS!!
Mandy Moore & Jessica Simpson: What the hell?! You're a rip off of a rip off of something that blows goat penis. Good job. Why don't you guys rip off something good for humanity, copy Kurt Cobain's suicide! I'll help hold the shotgun.
Mariah Carey: You're old. Put on some clothes, it's scaring my little brother. Glitter was a sign of the apocalypse.
Smash Mouth: Please guys, you used to kick ass but this wannabe 70's thing you're doing is really disturbing. Disco is dead. Let it go.

March 20th 2004, 11:14:09
well said but i still think a couple of songs coming out now adays at least have some feeling and good music and maybe even a good voice singing them... ill come back to you when i think of one.

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