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Just Some Shit
Just Some Shit

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11-17-03 5 months tomorrow *giggles* and other stuffs

Type:Diary entry
Added:November 18th 2003, 02:10:54
Series:[ Amy's Journals... ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

YAY! Tomorrow is my and Rick's (Legion's) 5 month anniverssary. I can't believe it! 5 FUCKING MONTHS! And the awesome part is that I still love him with all of my heart and soul. God, I miss him so much.

Well, here it is...the other stuff...
I have been seeing some pretty weird shit lately. It's these people that I know aren't really there, but at the same time, they ARE there. Yeah, it's weird. Not to mention the fact that I'm hearing myself multiple times. That's hard to explain. It seems that EVERY time I talk or make some sort of verbal noise, that there are all these different voices at the same time. It's getting really distracting. I can't talk without hearing myself SO MANY times. That's really frustrating. Not only is it hearing me, but there are just so many DIFFERENT things being said. It seems weird, but these other converstations in my head aren't even my own voice. There are voices I do not know. I can't stand it. It's as if there are multiple people in here. But, none of them are Lucius, when I get something from him, it's a thought or a thought of what he would say. Maybe I do not make sense. But last night, I was trying to sleep, and this voice was talking. But, it was talking TO ME. Not just rambling. I cannot remember what it was saying, I was trying to ignore it and go to sleep. But I know that this is in my head, because the extremely loud music I play doesn't even block it out slightly. I don't know what to think of it all. I will not ask for help finding out what it is, because I know that no one knows what it is. I've already asked a few people, and the few I asked either don't understand or don't know what to do or say about it. Well, I'm off for now.

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