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Just Some Shit
Just Some Shit

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3-13-04 Alone

Type:Diary entry
Added:March 13th 2004, 16:09:36
Series:[ Amy's Journals... ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

3Y3 |-|4|> 4 50l27 0Pl-l l23/4|_4710//.

Well, like I said above, I had a revalation yesterday. I figured out that I'll always feel so damned alone. No matter what is said and done, I will always feel this way. It's the weirdest thing, because, even in my happiest moments, I am battered by my own depression. Heh. Shit happens I guess.

Besides that, not much has happened. I'm getting more sleep again, though I'm still being watched. BUT...HEY...I'm not going to let that get to me. If I do...then THEY WIN. They cannot win, it is our move, not theirs. We have a high potential for winning. Heh. I will tell you why. You see...they may be many...but we're not alone. Oh no no no. Not this time. This time we are together, and we can defeat or at least harm them. They may be stronger and better at what they do, but we are determined, and will put up a good fight. This is definately worth being happy about. Not to mention how I have a secret weapon that I am sure they have overlooked. Heh. The joys of summoning spirits.

Ok...well. I'm superly pissed. My e-mail account is CONSTANTLY being visited by person(s) other than myself. I've changed the password around 5 times in the past 1/2 hour, just becuase I'm paranoid. I'm in a pretty rotten mood becuase of that.

I came to a whole bunch of conclusions last night. A whole bunch of stuff was going through my mind. I didn't go on the computer AT ALL yesterday, I was busy doing other things. BUT...the conclusions were mostly based on how I was just feeling down. sux when you can never really BE HAPPY. cares.

I made this kick ass sketch the other day. It really has no purpose. I think I drew it on Monday night. Heh. P|-||_|// P|-||_|//! Yeah. Not to mention 3Y3 4|23 /_34|2//6 /_337! //007 //007!

I feel overly hurt as of recent. I just...really can't handle a lot of shit that is piling up on me. I hate this. No matter what I do...everyone else is doing it. I try to do something on my own without people knowing, and they end up knowing anyways. I'm just way too frustrated. I take a little more than 24 hours vacation from going online, and my password has changed, somone's been in my e-mail, there's all this shit piling up, and I can't fucking handle it anymore.'s all good. I already have one die hard fan of the band I will be creating. The kid doesn't care how it will sound, he just likes me and my friends, so he said he will go to EVERY PERFORMANCE WE EVER HAVE! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! YAY! I can't believe it. I find this to be so damned funny. I can't wait till we all get this thing going. Me...Kaz...Shiro...Miko! YAY! WOO HOO!

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