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The White Wolf
The White Wolf

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Just an ordinary day, with an earthquake and I hate stupid chains....

Mood:mmmmh... doughnuts
Type:Diary entry
Added:October 23rd 2004, 11:54:47
Series:[ My Journey ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Hahahaha nothing.

Well I finished my lessons for today. There's an earthquake, but not here. I felt it but it's not that strong. This is my first time to feel an earthquake, coz when I was a kid I never felt earthquakes, coz I'm always sleeping. I wanna have a haircut, I wanna have a hair just like
Yuna's from FFX it's nice and cute and easy to manage, coz it's short, hah, what am I thinking..... Oh... jeez............
My computer has virus. Yup. my hands are cold so are my feet. I wonder why do I have lil' hands and feet... my friends always says it looks like a baby's hand, coz they have big hands, oh enough with the hands. I just wonder are chains really real?... I like chains but they're oh so annoying... sometimes when I recieve many chains.... I break it. So I'm the chainbreaker, I think the guy who sended me chains got offended coz i told him he's too OA. I just broke, 3 chains blah blah... 1 time a friend sended me a chain, and I broke it, it says that if I broke it there will be a lady in black that would sit on my bed in the evening, I thought it's stupid, I broke it no lady appeared, Hah... freakingchain makers, I think it's nice but, sending many chains in one day, that completely sucks. The guy who sended chains to me got mad and sended one, again, but I told him I will happily break it, coz I'm no jerk that's gonna pass things just because I got afraid that I'll have stupid bad lucks or watever thing. And one more thing that's not gonna happen, he's telling me I will got kissed and pimped, hah... he's a freako... I won't coz he's not here, hah... he got the wrong person.... sheesh.
I think chains are fun, but living by chains is not, I mean.... It's our life, and no stupid chain is gonna give us bad luck, bad things happen because of the desicions we make not by some stupid chains saying we'll have bad luck. Whew... Inhale.... exhale.... haaah.... I gotit off my chest. It's cold, oh jeez. My mom is so selfish... she wants me here but i wanna go back, jeez.... but I really hate myself for taking the wrong path i thought is good. I should've followed my heart, instead of having hate inside and thinking something stupid.

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