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Privacy and Your Data

Type:Diary entry
Added:January 04th 2005, 01:53:26
Series:[ Thoughts about (My) Life ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

Just some statement about Privacy

Today i notcied that many many websites etc dont have the possility to delte Accounts or Data you enterd.
I noticed because i went out on the net to look waht kind of information i can find on various Search Engines about me. Then i started deleting old Accounts... I wasn't very successfull -.- ...

So what do you think? Shouldn't there be an option to delete an account instatly in every kind of bulletin board an such things?

I mean it's not that hard to change Info for the user and delte him from a Database.... So what do you think about such stuff and the fact that Data lasts years on the internet in Big Databases? And what do you think about your Privacy in the Net?

For my Part i think there's no Privacy on the Net and you can't control which information is kept about you.... and this are things i don't like ... but i can't change it thats the bad thing.

January 04th 2005, 09:16:32
Data protection act... the law which binds any holder of your information!
there are ten main principles... 1) dont share your information
2) dont take more than u need
3) dont use it
4) dont look at it unless necesarry
etc etc

what they dont tell you is that they have to keep your information for atleast something like 30 years im not sure.
And which webmaster is gonna spend thier time cataloguing your information and printing it out? non i gues thats why ther isnt a delete button
Mos webmaster probably arent aware of this but yeh... its so the government can track you if needs be i think..

January 04th 2005, 09:20:35
hm well I must say that there are a lot of websites (mostly browser games) that delete unused accounts every week or so.. I removed the option to delete an account in PHQ because there are a lot of people who return after like half a year and are happy that they didn't delete their account when they had enough of PHQ or whatever.. and, for the forums it's quite a loss because, what should you do with the posts you made? if you delete them as well, there'll be a lot of holes in the threads..

January 04th 2005, 12:27:44
In our Class Internal Web Forum the Posts that a Person has Made gets the Default User Assigned. The Default User is Unkown User. So if a User gets deleted the Posts are still there but where postet by User Unkown User so you can't tell anymore hey that user over there now does that and that. The Problem i see with this "endless memorys of you" that are on the Internet is that you maybe get to a Company get a job there and after half a year you get fired because they found that you posted on a forum against there company while you were ten.

So i don't really see the Problem in the fact that there are so many data is kept about you on the net but that you can really really easily locate this that with simple search engine key words ^^"

@Chamber i don't think i really take more than i need... But didn't you registred at different Forums while u where young? Or tried different Games or Websites? As far as i know ISPs have to keep you data for 30 years but not Webmasters etc. and yeha you're rigth there won't be many webmasters that do this ... but there are Companys and ADs that collect data aswell ^^

@muddasheep yeha its fine ok i think half a year is a time that goes ok... But if i have 4 Posts on a Forum and was inactive for nearly 500 Days don't you think that the Account could be deleted?

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