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A Sadistic Angel's Journal
A Sadistic Angel's Journal

My texts (61)
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The Asylum


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June 22nd 1984

Final Thought

Type:Diary entry
Added:October 20th 2005, 16:02:18
Series:[ The life and times of Legion ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

It had to happen..

Nearly 2 years I had created a maze of traps which engulfed a person whole. Something meant for destruction, not only of the human body, but to destroy that human's soul. Because I was obsessed with the fact if you break the soul, the body shall falter. And the only way for them to leave would be to 'win' or to chant, "I regret everything I did, please lead me to the exit." A sort of repentance of their ways...

Years later I look back and really wonder what I was thinking at the time. What good could of ever came of hurting people? Would they truly ever learn?

I'm still alive, victorious over many trials and people, but not unscarred. And because I know this feeling all too well, I question why I'd want to give such a scar to others. True, I learned from it and will never do certain things again...but I have no regrets, save one.

That I wasn't more aware to truly enjoy what I had. Even when you have nothing, it's a place to concentrate on what truly matters.

What you need.

It's a period of rest where you can find out what what you need because most of us spend most of our lives trying to get 'what we want'.

It's a shame...I still wonder what I was thinking.


October 20th 2005, 20:15:27
We all knew it and laughed behind your back.

October 20th 2005, 20:42:06
Gee thanks.

But, then again...I always remember those who laughed instead of lending a hand.

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