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The End Of Forever
The End Of Forever

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Sadistic Eskimo INC


Total kills:

September 21st 1985


Added:April 13th 2006, 05:18:49
Series:[ Halfquake Sunrise Ascension ]
Rating:Not rated yet.

So, this is the script for the first episode of Halfquake Sunrise Ascension. (No, i'm not going to finish HQAA). This series, like rift is intended to be made in flash. (Thus, episodes are fairly short).

Everything in this is of course black white and blue. I *May* also use red for blood (as on my test animation white blood didn't look as effective as red blood. Also, HQA features red blood and everything.)

To not spoil anything about this series, this is actually intended to be a possible ending to the Halfquake series of "things". However, that is part of the major plot and woul spoil a lot for me to go out and say why.

Anyway, this series takes place in two main areas, the halfquake you know and "the city". I feel it was important to have my own spin or unique touch with this series, otherwise it ends up bringing nothing new to the series, just "more of the same"

Finally I might introduce the characters:

Joe: He's your average everyday sort of person thrust into a horrible situation. He is caring, looks out for others and most of all, determined to surive this ordeal not matter how difficult or painful that may be.

Rose: An opposite to jack. Shy and obviously tired of existing in this place, she want's death to come for her. However, Jack may just be the beacon of hope she needs to survive this ordeal.

The sadism man: The main "villain". Often seen setting off the many broken traps around halfquake and stalking Jake and rose throught both "the city" and halfquake, he appears to have an obvious link to this place, as he wears a sadism smiley face mask. Is he simply insane, or is there something more to him?

Oh one last thing, i need to think of good episode names.

Each episode in the series starts with a short introduction that I will describe once here:

The screen flickers, like a TV with bad reception, until finally a clear picture is shown. The HQA intro music fades in and is distorted whenever the picture is. The viewer is presented with a city, the city itself seems normal except for the fact there seems to be a giant tree that has grown through it all. We get various close ups of the city as the screen flickers. The city itself seems fairly worn, with windows smashed, and potholes, ext. Another notable feature is that there are a lot of televisions around with some of these displaying everyone who was involved names. As the music draws to it's end, we are given a look up from the base of the giant tree, to see an ominous figure standing at the top and then sharp fade out. Half Quake Sunrise: Ascension is displayed, a flicker, then the episode name.

Now with that out of the way - The first episode:

[The screen remains completely black until a white speck is seen on the screens. Slowly it becomes bigger until you can tell that it is a person, lying unconscious. The screen finally rests beside him. Suddenly he juts awake, like someone waking from a nightmare. He gasps for breath, choking until finally he appears to be okay. Then finally he notices his surroundings, or lack thereof.]

Joe[Uneasily calling]: Hello? Is anybody out there? [to himself] Could somebody turn on the…. [Trailing off - see below] lights…

[While calling for help, he is interrupted by the same arches that appear in the HQA introduction. Of course, the HQA introduction speech follows. He is startled by the sudden appearance of the arches, but on a side note I decided not to have Joe interrupt or call out during this, to give those who have never heard the speech a chance to hear it clearly. He will save his comments until it's finished]

*I don't have access to HQA right now, so rather then put the speech down and get it wrong, I'll just leave this message until I get the chance to edit the new one in. Oh while I'm at it I might add that the recorded message often distorts and skips.* *side edit, hell you all know it. I'm just going to post this and maybe change it later*

Joe[Slightly frightened]: What? Is this some kind of a joke? Let me out of here! This isn't funny anymore…

[The arches start to come together as they normally do, but grind to a halt. Joe stands there bemused, until finally a wall blows up, again startling him. Behind the wall is a room of the hand hammers featured in halfquake amen. These are all stopped in different positions, some seemingly struggling to move. The closest one is completely down on its pad blocking the way forward. There is also a diary to the side (nod of the hat to the old diary entry's found in HQA that I loved reading). Joe takes in this new room (stepping cautiously in).]

Joe: They can't expect me to make it across there… can they?

[Joe walks over to the diary and picks it up, thumbing through it quickly (Slight nod to one of my favorite things in HQA), he walks over to the edge before the first hammer and drops it off. Of course, no sound is heard, sending Joe into a mild panic. After rallying himself together, he seems ready to take a leap of faith. He angles back and takes a running leap at the first platform, grabbing onto the hammer on the pad to stop himself from falling backwards. Taking a breath, he jumps up to grab the top of it and pulls himself up. Just as he readies to make another leap to the next platform, the hammer he is on begins to reset itself.

Knocked off balance, he cries out in surprise, clutching the edge of the hammer and holds on until it finally rests (unsteadily) in an upright position. Desperately looking for a way off (that won't kill him). Locating a crack in the ceiling, he breaks his way through, pulling himself up just as the hammer slams back down on it's pad. Breathing a sigh of relief, Joe turns his attention to the room he is now in.]

Announcer: "Welcome to the sadism express station, we here at the sadism express put great pride in making our station the most unreliable, unsafe and annoying place possible. The next train will arrive whenever we feel like it" *Side note - this is also obviously recorded and skips a bit as well*

[Joe, who has obviously given up voicing himself, goes to sit on a seat (with no sitting on it) and is thrust forwards suddenly, onto the ground. With a sigh, he lays there. This is then followed by an obvious waiting period *Side note - It's gonna be a montage, MONTAGE!* A clock is on the wall behind him that moves forwards with every dash. Below the clock there is a note saying the next train is arriving "soon" After a few short moments for us, but an obvious eternity for Joe the train pulls up. ]

[Joe cautiously walks forwards to the open door and gets in. As soon as he is fully in, all windows and doors on the train close suddenly trapping Joe in darkness]

Joe [panicked]: "Oh no, what now…"

[Joe is thrust backwards suddenly, and lets out a grunt of pain. Looking back up, flashes of blue light are flying towards him very fast. He shields himself, until they finally stop and he is left sitting in front of a television. The television itself is playing something in the background, which gets clearer as he moves closer to it.]

Television: "…an't believe he has passed away from us. No more time for reflection though. Coming up is everyone's favorite sho… [static mixed blueberry hill music, until it finally stops.]

[Joe moves over to smack the TV a bit to try and bring back reception, Much to his surprise it works, but it is no longer on the same channel. A girl is seen moving by herself through a city. Quickly though, something obscures the view of the television. Looking up, someone or something [The sadism man spoken of earlier] is sitting on top of the television set. Joe crawls backwards, but a sudden blast of static that leaves the television set engulfs him. After a fade out, the camera fades in on Jake laying unconscious on the ground and slowly pans out to reveal he is now in the city seen in the intro. Credits follow.]

April 13th 2006, 17:44:13
Wow, Eskimo, this is... amazing. I somehow wanted to do something like this before, but my understanding of human nature and my redaction abilities don't seem to reach the palm.

You, on the other side, have caught the essence of these, and I like your personal touch, giving to this a unique style. I'll anxiously wait for next episode, which in case of not coming, will leave an unspeakable emptiness on my thrust on human kind ^^

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