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Type:Diary entry
Added:December 11th 2006, 15:09:19
Series:[ My way downstairs ]
Rating:3.5/5 (Votes: 2)

This is a topic I have been thinking about for years. I have been baptized as a catholic christian. My parents always believed in individualism which is why they didn't "force" me into one religion in baptizing as a baby but left me time till i was 12 and decided by myself. Or so I thought. Retrospectic I have to realize it was my Grandma persuading me. I felt a a faithful christian but slowly that fell off of me. I started with saying I'd still believe in god but disacknowlage the curch as i began to sympathise with the famous gospel of thomas (saying god is in everything, in each stone and not bound to a church or clerus). Nowadays I'm a atheist. So to say, I dont believe there is an old bearded man in some aetheral space watching us, helping those who worship him and punish those who dont. But even though I am creedal to this theory I have to admit I feel a spirituality, too when I am for example in some dark and old forest or a mountain or something similar. Is this just imagination or do we live sourrounded by a yet unknown energy? Why does almost EVERY society there has ever been on this planet since the homo heidelbergensis had a religion or faith? If I say:"There is no god", if a christ says:"There is a god", if a buddhist says:"You are to be god" or if a native american says:"God is a lake, snake or eagle", do we conflict? Is it really something different or just different expressions for the same thing? What do you think?

December 11th 2006, 23:33:21
Anyone who believes there's an unknown force behind the creation, the living or the future of the world, isn't an atheist.
The link between every religion, may it be shared by millions or by a few people, is that every "believer" believes in the same concept, i.e. there's or there's been an unknown force behind or inside the world, may it be called God, Allah, Yahvé or Science.

December 12th 2006, 01:41:32
Wiktionary once said:
atheism (plural atheisms)

1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of deities.
1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or a supreme being.
2. The doctrine or belief that no deities exist.
3. The absence of belief in deities.
4. Godlessness; ungodliness; immorality.

Following these definitions, one may believe there's an unknown force behind the creation (though origin may be a more appropiate term) and, as long as that force doesn't imply a deity, still be an atheist. However, I agree with you, Khim, atheism is mostly applied to the absence of beliefs of any sorts.

As long as one is tolerant of other beliefs (or absence of them) there shouldn't be a conflict. We all feel spirituality in our own ways; the issue arrives when we try to make others feel it the same as us.

December 14th 2006, 23:07:40
@Asriel: Not believing in anything means that your a nihilist, not an atheist. But whatever.

I suppose that i'm more of an agnostic. I really, really want to believe that there is a God, and that life has some underlying purpose, and especially that there is some big, benevolent guy watching over everyone and helping us out.

The problem is that I see absolutely no evidence to this being the case, and a lot of evidence to the contrary. If there is a God, and he is indeed good, why doesn't He help us out? If He created humanity, then He has some responsiblity to watch over us and help us out from time to time.

Sadly I see nothing like that happening.

And of course there is science, which is taking the mysticism out of everything. We (Humanity) now have the keys to almost every facet to existance. With the lack of any unexplainable events surrounding us, we find that Religion has less and less importance.

Also, since I was raised a Protestant Christian, I am quite familiar with the Bible, and I have almost completly emiminated it as a source of truth and knowledge. Any fool can write something down, and lots of fools can believe in it I.E. Scientology.

Is there a God?

I don't know.

But I hope so.

December 18th 2006, 21:10:20
I got the Link from de.wikipedia Articale about Atheism
It's interessting IMO and this is what told me that I'm probably more Agnostic than Atheistic. Agnosticism is about not believing that God until there is proof.

That's what I'm doing I don't "acknowdlege" the existence of God (as people of the Curch etc. do) as long as there isn't proof! But I don't think it's impossible that there are forces that influence us or a higher being that somewhat some fucking long time ago "interacted" with us. But I don't think that there is some God that is manifested in a all mighty being as often people I'm talking to think about God.

For myself offically I'm a protestant but my Parents don't believe in God so it was always just something that was written on a damn piece of paper and I guess I'd have stopped believing in God on my one after sometime.

Another think I've lately come across is something I somewhat like but don't really believe in. It's that every "Object" within the universe has it's own Power or even it's own being I someone like the thought that our Planet has at least some self awareness though it's influenced by Fantasy Books so it's just something that would be intresting but as long as there isn't proof it won't be more to me :)

@LordAsriel it's true that we should be tolerant but sometimes it pretty hard ... don't you feel a need to hit someone if you talk to him and he suddenly tells you that the whole Theory about the Evolution is Bullsh!t because God made this whole Planet just to please us and it's irrelevant what we do to the other beings living on it as they we're just made to feed us?
Sorry but something like that is definitly a point where I can't stop thinking that those people lack something though I don't know what.

P.S. as you can see I'm very analytical to such things and I've become more and more over the last few years ^^ I guess it's not the best way but up until know it worked so I beliece that 99.99999% of the things that are happening are explainable or will be in the future. 99.9999% because we will probably always lack something to explain the last thing ;)

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