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May 20th 1991

The Joke

Added:June 19th 2007, 04:30:33
Series:[ Insanity ]
Rating:5/5 (Votes: 4)

I don't know what I had in mind when I first started writing this, but this is what turned out.

Every day I sat still, surrounded by lesser demons dressed in white. I could hear their groaning and mumbling, but I could not distinguish their words. If they spoke ideas, these were not theirs, but repeated just as parrots would repeat what from humans they hear. If they spoke sentences, it was because some intelligent being had left the words in order for them to stumble upon. They contradicted themselves more often than not, and they could not see beyond the next few instants.

It was a piece of chaos, in a travesty of order. Like monkeys in suit sitting around a council table.

I had once expected them to be right, but their reasonings did not stand against a strong stare. I could not then nor can now understand what their purposes were. Still I endured their chitchat months after months, suffering in my body and soul their joke of the day. For that is what I could most easily compare them to, jokers. Though I never understood whom the joke was meant to make laugh, nor what the humour beneath it was, clear it was that the victim of this joke was myself. And I could only bear with that fact for some certain amount of time.

Then I slaughtered them. With my teeth, with my nails, with their very tools of torture. I changed myself with their robes upon their own bloodstains, and left quietly as if one of them. Then I ran, away from that sick fortress. Only once I looked behind, and imagined the pandemonium reaching all corners of the asylum. I smiled, for the first time in a long, long time, and kept running, never to return.

June 19th 2007, 08:51:25
Wow! Sadistic thing

June 19th 2007, 09:24:07
Goddamn, great :lol

June 19th 2007, 15:36:58
Excellent. Astonishing. Amazing. Perfect.

June 19th 2007, 21:55:01
Why, thank you very much ^^

I'm really satisfied after writing this little things, but your eulogies make it still more enjoyable. Thank you!

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