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Creature Abilities (and other things)
By muddasheep, February 21st 2006, 21:30:27


the following changes have been made since the last update.

- You will no longer gain any PlayerRating when selling Sadistic Fortune Cookies, or when someone reveals them. Neither will you get money for the revealed cookies any longer.

- "Show Datasheets" is now called "Sell Datasheets".

- Added "Select All" button and checkboxes (allowing multiple sales) to the "Sell Datasheets" page.

- Added 60 Creature Abilities. There are a few creatures that let you see what those abilities are. Please ask your Dragon Ass-Istant for a bit more information.

- Changed the price of Resources Converter.

- Changed the price of Expensive Cookies (CV).

- Changed the rating system of Sadistic Fortune Cookies.

- Contract catches must be a multiple of 40 now (CS).

Thank you for reading.


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