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Return of the Favor
By muddasheep, July 07th 2004, 08:33:33

Dear sadists,

raise your arms, bow down and say:


Personally I'd like to thank you, TheAwake, for your support, motivation and honesty. I guess it's been more than a year now, and I hope this friendship won't cease to exist in future. I depend on your honest criticism and your creativity. Even if you don't admit that you're creative, you definitely got something in your head. But it's sad that due to real life issues you're too lazy to get something done, or, maybe you're not too lazy, but your perfectionism blocks your output because you always think that what you've done isn't finished. So it actually is never finished. For example: I guess you already did 4-5 designs for your new homepage and still nothing's complete. I tell you, awake, forget the whole perfectionism thing. Sure, I know how you feel, I experience the same pain when I create things. But I suggest you never throw anything away. Instead you should work on it until it's done. Don't think that it's bad, and don't compare yourself with others because there are always better people out there. Everyone has a personal style and thus comparison isn't necessary anyway.

Anyway, I hope you had a nice day. I wish you all the best.



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July 07th 2004, 09:09:48
*wipes tear out his eye*

Ahttp://www thats sooooooooooooooo nice. I didnt expect that. Ehm what should I everybody for being my fav. community and thanks ms for...everything. I know it has been a bit silent those days, but hey..we're all still here, aint we?

Thanks alot man and...see you (all) around.

And by the way...I finally found a nice design (: will be online in the next 6 weeks (promised)
July 07th 2004, 15:43:20
And yes, just for a second time, Happy Birthday!

Hope you had a good time. Good luck with the website as well!
July 07th 2004, 18:00:53
Happy Birthday indeed!
May many presents be bought for you and...
Happy Birthday!
July 07th 2004, 20:48:45
Muddasheep, when I was born, my mom copied your mouth in a cloning machine, and sticked it to my face. Really. Your talk like me. Or do I talk like you? Damn. Yessss. Ahem. Happy B-Day TheAwake! I wish you pain, suffering, and all that very far from you. :lol And about teh contest.. I'll complete that little spot over there.. Nnheh just lemme install a damn program that can convert my 1600x1200 babies to 800x600 normal size ^^ I'll post it... today.
July 07th 2004, 23:09:26
Happy Birthday The Awake!

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