Personal Halfquake
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[--- IAD ---]
By muddasheep, February 16th 2005, 15:55:36

Weeee, senseless title decoration!

New IAD shullbit has been added! Check it out!

- Publish your rooms! Go to House Manager -> General Options and check the checkbox so that your room gets displayed in the ODD (Official Dragon Directory)

- ODD added to the main menu! Click on the small book and you'll see all public rooms!

- Unimportant stuff: I added ODD to the help section, rearranged the main menu buttons a bit, and made the help menu get ordered alphabetically (except credits, those are always last).

Soon, you'll be able to rate rooms!

The javascript countdown still doesn't work, but I got an idea that will hopefully fix it this time!

Thanks for listening.


P.S.: New message code: [insane][/insane] !

View Comments (7) Search

February 16th 2005, 16:37:35
You're a liar! Some days ago, you said, you'll concentrate on HQS and forget IAD!
February 16th 2005, 16:43:04
You dumbass! He improves things and you yell at him...
February 16th 2005, 17:59:56
I knew you were going to say (or at least think) that, reboot, but I was sitting in the office, I didn't have worldcraft, halflife, wally, PSP or anything else installed to create HQS, and because I usually have not much to do, I thought, hey, why not add the next features I've planned for IAD.. yesterday I actually planned out some levels for HQS (together with Eskimobob) in the office, but today I had to get the contacts from my boss from his old mobile phone to his new one exactly at the time when bob went online.. (and brainstorming for new level ideas is half the fun without bob ^^)
February 16th 2005, 23:18:09
http://wwWWHAt DdOeeEESs iiIittTt DOoOo???
February 17th 2005, 08:19:44
Ii aLLLlmMMOOosSTtT SsSSUuUussspPppEeecT TthIiiSSs wWAASSs IiiiNnNnSSpiIIiREeeeddD BBbBYyy A cCEEEeRtttaaAaIINNNN SSssOMMMeEeeOooNnNeEEe...
February 17th 2005, 13:46:37
who would that be? eskimobob? :lol
March 01st 2005, 11:29:52
NNNNoOoOww http://wwwhhyY wWOUUuullDDDd YYYooOuUuU TTThiIIiNNKKk ThHhAaAaTTtt????

And a mighty big /blush

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